In Hell We Fight is the new series from Chew writer John Layman. Taking place in hell, a band of misfits work together to steal a demon’s lord ice cream.

Writing and Lettering by: John Layman
Art by: Jok
Colors by: Jok & Mey
The series centers around a group consisting of Midori, Ernie, Xander, and Balphie. We learn that they each came to Hell in different ways and gained unique powers as a result. Using their powers, they coordinate and execute an ice cream heist, only for things to get a tad more complicated.
As Layman returns to a regular series, In Hell We Fight becomes the perfect playground for his type of storytelling and adventures. The characters are well-established, giving us enough information about them without revealing everything. The mystery allows Layman to further explore the characters and how they will interact with the surprise at the end of this issue.
The art in the series perfectly creates its own theme and feel of Hell. Jok effectively conveys the desolate, hellish landscape while still making it hospitable to its inhabitants. What stands out about the art is the excellent character design. Especially for background characters.
Overall, In Hell We Fight is a good first issue that helps establish the world created by Layman and Jok. Crafting a series set in Hell is challenging, as it can easily resort to everything being on fire or a dystopian mirror version, but they have managed to create a unique version.
What I liked most about the issue isn’t just the story, but also the first-person perspective and behind the scenes of how the story came to be. Particularly interesting is the tale of how Layman and Jok met in Uruguay at a comic convention.