DC vs. Vampires #12 (Review No Spoilers)
DC Comics
With the final twelfth issue, DC vs. Vampires comes to its conclusion. With all the deaths, we get the epic final battle for the fate of humanity and the universe.

Words by James Tynion IV & Matthew Rosenberg
Art & Color by Otto Schmidt
Letters by Tom Napolitano
Reaching its conclusion after 19 issues, we see the world’s fate in the last hail mary orchestrated by Constatine. Gotham, Smallville, and Australia became focal points of these attacks. The outcome left a stale taste in those who invested since issue one back in October 2021.
What destroys the conclusion is how simple and bland it plays out. Tynion and Rosenberg almost felt bored with the story and wrote a conclusion that someone else could finish. The execution of it played out like that of a second act. Yet, this already happened when Nightwing was revealed to be the vampire king.
With the story bland, the art picks up the slack and delivers. Schmidt doing the art and colors, navigates different landscapes seamlessly from panel to panel. The vast contrast helps create an expansive world that readers are sucked into. With panels featuring multiple characters, you can feel their pain, exhaustion, and every other emotion one would experience.
Overall, DC vs. Vampires’ conclusion was a letdown to everything built before this issue. All the deaths and sacrifices made just for the story to be untouched do no justice to the readers. The injustice was the number of issues involved with the series just to have the first part almost repeated.
Score: 4