Jabba the Cat! (You’ll understand when you get there in Green Arrow #2.)

WRITTEN BY: Joshua Williamson
ART BY: Sean Izaakse
COLORS BY: Romulo Fajardo Jr.
LETTERS BY: Troy Peteri
Following a quality table-setting first issue to the newest Green Arrow run, Sean Izaakse managed to steal the show this month. The meat of the book features an overwhelming amount of action sequences, but that’s not all. Green Arrow #2 not only wraps with a promising splash, but Izaakse also ran wild with one of the members of Team Arrow in the first few pages of the issue. Joshua Williamson also had some fun with that moment.
That might be the most promising part of Williamson’s writing of Green Arrow and company to this point. Without talking specifics, the aforementioned moment was an example of the command he’s displayed regarding these characters’ voices early on. In general, that’s important, but it’s particularly significant with what’s gone on with the plot. The Arsenal-Black Canary storyline has been simpler to follow, but Green Arrow is off in parts unknown, which could throw off a reader who’s not up to speed on all things DC.
Speaking of where Oliver is, let’s go back to the art for a moment. Romulo Fajardo Jr. has been a great partner to Izaakse. Fajardo’s colors enhance the movement Izaakse is trying to create in the Green Arrow story. At the same time, the colors aren’t creating the same feeling with Arsenal and Black Canary — nor should they. That’s clearly a more grounded story, and both the colors and linework maintain that feeling Williamson is going for.
Quality first two issue to this series, with a particularly strong ending to Green Arrow #2. Definitely something to get in on if you’ve been craving a new story involving Green Arrow, Arsenal or Black Canary.
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