Money-Saving Tips for New Gamers

Jan 10, 2021

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When you first discover gaming, you may want to make a lot of fast purchases. You may have an interest in a new computer or console, controllers, and online gaming services. Gaming can become expensive quickly. Take the time to research options, trials, and discounts before you buy items. You can often find discount codes online for your favorite shopping venues, as well. When you make informed choices, you can get quality equipment and games. 


Plan to spend a large amount of money on your computer or game console. Even with high prices, you can save money on these items. Choose two or three gaming computers you like and then wait for a sale. Check different retailers often to catch a weekly sale or promotion. I

If you prefer a game console, you may spend less money to get started. Most companies present a new version of their console every year or two. You can often purchase older models at game resale stores. These may not remain compatible with newer versions of games, however. Check the details before you buy one. The newest models often come out near the holiday season, encouraging people to buy them as gifts. The first round may also come as a bundle with a game, or the console may have a special color or theme. These bundles often cost less than buying the console and game separately. 

Sales on Games

Games often go on sale from different stores, both online and in person. You can download games from different online gaming stores as well. These platforms often have sales and promotions. When you use a game store platform, such as Steam or Epic Games Store, you can play your games from any device . You simply have to log in to your account on the store. Not all games work across platforms, however, so check before you buy specific games. You can also enjoy Amazon shopping discounts if you prefer to purchase games on discs that download to your console or PC. 

Free Trials

When you have a gaming console, you must purchase services to play online with friends. For the Xbox, this is called Xbox Live Gold. You can often get free trials to see how you like the service. Your game console bundle may also come with a temporary subscription. Microsoft also has a program called Gamepass that allows you to earn points towards free subscriptions and games, as well. 
