Title: “FIT21 Act: Revolutionizing Crypto Regulation with House Approval”

May 23, 2024

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FIT21 Act – House Approval


The FIT21 Act, aimed at providing regulatory clarity for digital assets, was approved by the United States House of Representatives in a 279-136 vote, marking a significant development in the cryptocurrency industry.


In a historic move, the House approved the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century (FIT21) Act on May 22, clarifying the regulatory roles of the SEC and CFTC in overseeing digital assets.

Main Points

The bipartisan-backed FIT21 Act seeks to address regulatory uncertainties surrounding digital assets, with 71 Democrats and 208 Republicans supporting the bill. Representative Patrick McHenry emphasized the need for clear regulations to foster innovation in the sector.

However, opposition from figures like Representative Maxine Waters highlights concerns about potential regulatory gaps and risks of market destabilization if the bill leads to inadequate oversight.


Despite challenges, the passage of FIT21 is a significant milestone for the crypto industry. The bill faces uncertainties in the Senate, where its fate will shape the regulatory landscape for digital assets. With other related bills in discussion, the industry awaits further developments to establish structured regulations.
