This isn't your normal preview! Readers are getting a little more than a look at the synopsis and first few pages of John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in...

This isn't your normal preview! Readers are getting a little more than a look at the synopsis and first few pages of John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in...
Step by Bloody Step takes us on a visual odyssey in this comic from Si Spurrier. The title promises an epic journey, and these creators deliver. This book may take time to digest, but seeing the entire story is worth a re-read.
In terms of substance and evidence, Krakoa is a new testament of the faith of the mutant species. And while no one expected a completely pious existence...
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Without question, reading Step By Bloody Step #1 is an experience unlike any other in comics. While some comic book readers may have experienced books...
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