In the pages of 2019’s House of X # 6 a meeting of the Quiet Council of Krakoa resulted in two major events; the creation of the 3 Krakoan Laws and the Trial of Victor Creed. Back then we were led to believe that Xavier had the final words in that affair. With three words as destructive as Wanda’s he created a prison in paradise. In the opening pages of Sabertooth # 1 from Marvel Comics readers glimpse Victor’s reaction to Xavier’s decree. And by the end of the issue it’s apparent he couldn’t have been more right. And wrong.
No prison can hold me
Sabertooth # 1
“The Adversary”
Writer: Victor LaValle
Artist: Leonard Kirk
Colorist: Rain Beredo
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Victor LaValle opens visitation hours with a look back at Victor’s trial. As Destiny of X approaches it seems the X-Men comics are revisiting events from the earliest days of Krakoa. This most recently took place during the pages of Inferno. Now in this opening issue of Sabertooth, letterer Cory Petit reveals Creed’s inner thoughts on the jury of his “peers”. At first glance you could read this as nothing more than a bitter criminal lashing out at his sentencing.

That is until you consider all that has occurred since Creed was sentenced to the Pit. Looking back at the Quiet Council through the lens of their current actions gives this scene a different perspective. I noticed how Victor’s take on the Council is quite similar to the final pages of Inferno # 4. This changes the scene of the execution of Creed’s sentence, making it feel more callous. Leonard Kirk and Rain Beredo do a tremendous job of adding more depth and detail to this sequence than was previously revealed.
A Prison of His Own Design
The issue flashes forward and readers see that Creed is making good on his promise to the Council. A visceral Victor has managed to escape the Pit. The five seasoned X-Men sent to return him to “prison” are no match for the feral fugitive. This section highlights Creed’s physicality and mentality, as he easily slaughters this lineup. It would seem that Sabertooth is finally free. And yet somehow still imprisoned. Victor has undergone many attempts to modify his behavior, most recently during A.X.I.S. This series asks the ultimate question for Creed, can he ever truly be free from his prison?
While Sabertooth is the star of the series this issue has already hinted this won’t be a solo saga. During the trial we witness Doug’s dismay at the lack of leniency from another angle. So now even if Krakoa was never meant to be a prison, it is. This allows for an interesting trio to act as Creed’s Corrections Officer, Public Defender and Parole Officer. I doubted if even Creed could manage a jail break without their knowledge and assistance. I am left wondering why Doug is aiding yet another Escape from Krakoa?
Ever since it’s emergence, Krakoa has had it’s share of mysteries. While mutant resurrection has been the main one, with everyone from the Daily Bugle to Dr. Stasis looking for answers, I have wondered what Sabertooth has been doing. And where he actually was. Also, as the first “criminal” of Krakoa his situation set a precedent. But would he be the last and if not what would be the offenses? (I doubt it would be for anything like in Prisoner X at least). This issue answers the former while addressing the later with a mysterious event. By my records this the third solo series of the Krakoa era, an era based on stories building on stories. And although Creed’s sentiment at the issues end isn’t promising, I can’t help hope he finds a better use for his “exile“.
Score: 8.5