Paws and Soul
Developer: Arkuda Inc., Electrostalin Entertainment
Publisher: Games Operators, PlayWay S.A.

“Paws and Soul: relaxing-adventure game about reincarnation. Turn yourself into a wolf, explore mysterious forests and reveal every secret of your past life!”
Sounds simple enough, and in a world of shooter rpgs and town management games… this sounded really nice. I’ve played a game similar in concept to this, “The Wild Eternal,” which was a relaxing game with beautiful graphics, and followed the concept of reincarnation, and how the main character wanted to stop the cycle. Now when I heard about this game, I was very interested. Another calming game centered around reincarnation? Sign me up.
It started off simple enough, collect some glowing orange spheres, and if you have enough you can help free nearby souls. Why you have this power? Not sure… you are a man reincarnated into a wolf with tribal tattoos, so I guess that’s not the least questionable thing. The music and sound design is very nice, and helps with the “relaxing” portion of the game. However, there are some times events, that take the relaxation out of it. At the beginning (and I’ll tell you why I couldn’t progress past the beginning in a moment), you collect these other colored spheres and place them somewhere else, but they aren’t close together, and the sphere’s power in you dissipates after a while, so you have to run, and remember where the specific cave is you need to go to.
Now here is where the game tanked for me… it bugged out. I collected the first three colored spheres, and saved the game to come back to it later. I finally found the last one only to be greeted with the fact I needed three more, when I had already found them. I went to the places they were originally… and they weren’t there.

Now, the game was recently released, and the Devs are always looking to hear about bugs within the game so they can improve the player experience. All games tend to have this when the game is released, as the game will be played through fresh eyes, and different game play styles, so I can’t blame them for me finding a bug while playing.
It’s the circle of life – I mean gaming.
All in all, it is a relaxing game with adventure elements, and there’s a larger story to be told here. Considering it was recently released, there are bound to be a bug here and there, but nothing too damaging.
I just need to restart and not save half way through the mission!
Score: 75/100