Sacrament #1: AWA Studios REVIEW

Aug 2, 2022

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Sacrament Main Cover

Sacrament #1 is the latest book to drop from AWA studios and to nobody surprise it’s a home run. AWA studios continues to put forth excellent stories ranging in genres and is never afraid to push the envelope. Sacrament #1 explores a future where religion is outlawed and those who practice it are criminals. However, there is more than meets the eye with Sacrament #1 shaping up to be a haunting and horrific thriller. 

AWA/Upshot Studios
Written by: Peter Milligan
Art/Colors: Marcelo Frusin

AWA studios continues its excellent trend of putting forth gritty and compelling stories that makes indie comics so compelling. Sacrament #1 is at its core a sci-fi/horror story that uses religion as its catalyst to frighten and pique the reader’s interest. Sacrament #1 deals with faith, self doubt, and exorcisms in such a way that never feels heavy handed. There is an excellent and horrific story to tell, and Sacrament #1 sets the stage for what should be a fantastic mystery. 

“However, there is more than meets the eye with Sacrament #1 shaping up to be a haunting and horrific thriller.”

Admittedly I am not familiar with artist Marcelo Frusin, and for that I am ashamed. Frusin’s art perfectly captures and helps create a foreboding tone that elevates Milligans storytelling. Frusin’s palette of blues and greens helps create a feeling of despair and bleakness that living in a world void of spirituality might cause. Through facial expressions, Frusin is also able to wonderfully create an added layer of fear and suspense to a story that already is chalk full of it. 

Overall Sacrament #1 does its job brilliantly at both world building and telling a compelling story. The first issue of any new series is to hook you in and make you want to read on — Sacrament #1 does just that. With Milligans storytelling and Frusins art, Sacrament #1 is shaping up to be a can’t miss series that is befitting of the AWA catalog. 

Want to learn more about AWA Studios? Be sure to listen to TLDR‘s interview with AWA’s Chief Creative Officer, Axel Alonso — where he also talked about his time with Vertigo and Marvel Comics.