Primos #1: AWA Studios Review

Feb 2, 2022

Mad Cave Studios


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What makes AWA stand out as one of the industry’s best independent publishers is its eclectic range of books spanning all types of genres and themes. With AWA’s newest title Primos #1, AWA studios once again blends genres to deliver a solid story that is both fun and entertaining. 

AWA/Upshot Studios
Written by: Al Madrigal
Art by: Carlo Barberi
Colors by: Brian Reber

It is clear from the start that Primos #1 isn’t going to be just any old superhero story — frankly it’s not going to be any old story in general. Al Madrigal does a great job of taking readers on a journey by introducing a wild yet relatable protagonist while seamlessly integrating time traveling mayans. What’s not to love? 

When translated to English, Primos means cousins. So as you can imagine, family is a central concept of this story. It’s that theme of family which gives Primos #1 its charm and makes you inevitably want to not just invest in the characters, but also the series. As we’ve all encountered in our lives, families can be loving, loyal, protective, and also crazy. Primos #1 dives deep into all those aspects that can make a family so great, but also so maddening. On top of all of that, the fate of the world is at stake.

“With AWA’s newest title Primos #1, AWA studios once again blends genres to deliver a solid story that is both fun and entertaining. ”

Artist Carlo Barberi and colorist Brian Reber do a great job of giving Primos that superhero feel. Each panel is brightly colored with great attention to detail, giving its characters and story a larger than life feel. Transporting from ancient Mayan civilization to modern day, no panel ever feels out of place. 

Overall, Primos #1 is a solid first issue. While the exposition can get lengthy at times, the last several pages that will no doubt hook you in. AWA has once again taken a chance on something different and unique and delivered. 

And if you want to learn more about AWA Studios, be sure to listen to TLDR‘s interview with AWA’s Chief Creative Officer, Axel Alonso — where he also talked about his time with Vertigo and Marvel Comics.