Comic of the Week: NewThink #1 from AWA Studios

Jun 3, 2022

Mad Cave Studios


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This is a must-read for everyone. Even people who don’t read comics can appreciate NewThink #1. Anyone can appreciate what’s being discussed, and how it’s being discussed, in this issue.

AWA Studios
Written by: Gregg Hurwitz
Art by: Mike Deodato Jr.
Colors by: Lee Loughridge
Letters by: Andworld Design

Being the start of an anthology series, this is a NewThink #1 is a nice, tight one-off story. But it spans over a great deal of time, spelling the demise of mankind itself. Yet, it’s done so quietly, and Gregg Hurwitz paces everything perfectly that the story and technology takeover flow so fluidly together.

Can’t remember seeing a comic that was essentially all narration and only dialogue. But it was a great decision, perfectly playing into everything that takes place from panel to panel.

Speaking of the art, Mike Deodato Jr. is the perfect artist for NewThink #1. His style enhances the realistic feel the narration provides on its own, making it seem like we’re actually living the life highlighted in this very comic.

And that’s a tell-tale sign of an AWA Studios comic. They make you think after reading, especially when they’re talking about technology (see Not All Robots).

Very promising start to this anthology series. For those looking ahead to the next issue of NewThink, there will be a different artist, as is the case with the other ensuing issues. Hurwitz will work with Ramon Rosanas on NewThink #2.

Honorable Mention: A Righteous Thirst for Vengeance #8 – The Closet #1 – Once & Future #26 – Step By Bloody Step #4

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