Comic of the Week: Barbaric: The Harvest Blades #1 from Vault Comics

Jul 15, 2022

Mad Cave Studios


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What an outstanding return. After starting string with a three-issue opening arc, Michael Moreci and Robert Wilson IV return to Barbaric with a one-shot story that has everything fans of the title could want.

Vault Comics
Written by: Michael Moreci
Art by: Robert Wilson IV
Colors by: Addison Duke
Letters by: Jim Campbell

For those who haven’t read the first arc of Barbaric, you can read this and still enjoy it. Moreci and Wilson cover the important points one needs to know regarding this world. More importantly, this one-shot is essentially a side mission for Owen. There might be things that pop up later for the character when things go back to the main line, but Barbaric: The Harvest Blades #1 is a fun story all its own. There isn’t an absolute need for Moreci and Wilson to do anything with developments from this story later on.

That said, they should absolutely bring back the badass character introduced in Barbaric: The Harvest Blades #1. Loads of potential there. Could be very helpful Owen or cause a lot or problems — or both.

As expected, Axe steals the show in Barbaric: The Harvest Blades #1. Brilliant concept that Moreci and Wilson continue to utilize as effectively as possible. We’ve seen some sentient weapons in comics over the years, but this one might take the cake. Axe is quickly becoming one of the best weapons ever created in comics.

Honorable Mention: Punisher #4 – Above Snakes #1 – Daredevil #1

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