Widowmaker #1
Writer: Nick Friar
Artist: Naiara Rodriguez

Without a doubt the greatest accomplishment for any comic book character or series is making the leap from the page. Meanwhile ask any fan of the medium and I imagine they would jump at the opportunity to create their own series. However, while making comics might seem simple on paper, many fail to recognize that succeeding in the industry requires more than a few words. In fact I suspect most experts in the industry would agree you need to study to show yourself approved.
It is often spoken that once the student the master will appear. In the case of TheGWW and TLDR‘s Nick Friar that master is none other than 3 time Eisner winner Scott Snyder. Known for writing established heroes like DC’s Batman, as well as creating new series like Image’s Nocterra, Snyder also happens to be an instructor. Now, with what he has learned, Friar and other talented writers are ready to welcome readers to The Cloak Room. Among the stories included in this anthology is Nick Friar and artist Naiara Rodriguez own story – The Widowmaker.

From the few pages Widowmaker #1 I have seen I have to admit so far Nick Friar is killing it. The story quickly establishes Widowmaker’s protagonist Camille’s commitment to her role. In fact readers first look at the bad ass biker mama has her holding a smoking gun – after emptying one into her husband’s head. Through Camille’s internal monologue Friar exposes the rationale behind this unorthodox action. Because while shooting Cofield – her husband and leader of the Axle’s gang – creates a power vacuum it also puts a target on her back. However Camille, ever the black widow, has a red badge of courage stitched onto her cut. Methodically, a calm Camille works the room, taking her time almost as if she is holding an hourglass like her namesake.
The confidence Camille portrays allows her to control the conversation among the upset gang members, while still focusing on her next move. Similar to watching a spider spin a web, you slowly start to see what she is crafting. As well as some commonalities with another man killer, though that one spelled her name differently. Like Queen of the South’s Camila Vargas, Camille understands her unique position in the food chain. She also knows how to use it to her advantage. Her approach works, as her tale enthralls the members which gives her time to figure out her next move. Of course it does’t hurt that she happens to be a member of the fairer sex.
Not only was Friar’s script impressive but I loved how well the story’s artwork reinforced it. Naiara Rodriguez does a stellar job taking Friar’s threads and weaving them together. Small details like her cigarette dangling from her mouth and her bright red heels set Camille apart from her surroundings. She is after all a lioness in the lions den. However, by including a few wrinkles Rodriguez reminds readers that Camille isn’t a cub. With both her age and penchant for lethality, Widowmaker #1 quickly establishes Camille’s position in this animal kingdom.
Widowmaker #1 is just one story Snyder’s students are presenting to the world in the pages of The Cloak Room. If this initial entry is any indication then I can only imagine the webs they have woven within this anthology.
Ready to enter The Cloak Room, join the Kickstarter campaign HERE