There’s no arguing the fact that family matters to the individuals who make up the Marvel Universe. From the affection shown between Peter and Aunt May to the sibling rivalry that exists between Scott and Alex. However, there are a set of twins whose relationship makes you wonder how they made it this far? Especially with who Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver had as a father. But will the arrival of a mysterious message from Magneto help this furious family fully appreciate Dom’s words from those films.
Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver #1
Writer: Steve Orlando
Artist: Lorenzo Tammetta
Color Artist: Frank William
Letterer: VC’s Ariana Maher
Steve Orlando’s sibling story of the Sorceress and Speedster begins with a bit of super heroics. Color artist Frank William uses swirling pink and lime highlights to hint at how each twin’s power helps in the situation. Having to shunt the Skypiercer station to safety, while saving those aboard and below, cleverly shows the the large power disparity between two. Wanda, the younger, has powers that put her on scale with Von Doom these days. Meanwhile, Pietro lost his spot as “the fastest alive” to Northstar. Whether incidental or intentional, these two are the 616’s equivalent of Cain and Adele.
Although I am not certain anyone can say for sure, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver’s conversation clears up when they believe trouble truly began; The House of M. That impulsive act, and the subsequent fallout, ultimately tore the Maximoff family apart; leaving Polaris as Magneto’s only heir. Still even in death Max manages to divide the twins. Whatever his last words were, Wanda destroys the box before her brother can learn what it contains. After a few quick, and cruel, words are exchanged it doesn’t take long for Quicksilver to make his exit.

Scarlett Witch & Quicksilver #1 asks readers to consider how much authority Magneto still has over “his” children. As well as to consider the true definition of family. That it is as much about who creates you as it is about who you come across along the way. This includes Darcy, first to notice the package after the chaos, who if you think about it became part of Wanda’s world due to WandaVision. One of Wanda’s own twins, Tommy, along with Monet and who I suspect to be a sleeping Luna also show up courtesy of Lorenzo Tammetta’s pen strokes. As Quicksilver speeds past these “loved ones”, I couldn’t help wonder was it out of concern or indifference. That of course is a trait he would have come across naturally; considering his source.
In Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver #1 readers will hear how each twin views the others past transgressions. What this shows is that, even with their powers, it is their words that can wound each of them the most. Their combined volatile past – full of pain – is on complete display during their sidewalk argument in this issue. Hearing them hash it out you’ll begin to wonder what Cap saw in either of them. However, with Magneto still in the grave and the other X-Men quite busy, Wanda is wise to be weary of the box’s true origin. With good reason because the chaos the box’s arrival creates is merely a distraction. Something is looking to contain chaos in a box, and that includes Wanda. That more than likely won’t sit well with her Big Brother.
Because powers and parentage aside, Wanda when you need him, wherever you are, Pietro will always rush to be close to you.
Score: 8.8