Captain America/Iron America #1 (REVIEW)

Dec 6, 2021

Mad Cave Studios


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Captain America/Iron Man #1

If there’s one thing Tony Stark is known to do, it’s create his own monsters. Welp, turns out he’s done that yet again, which is where things get started in Captain America/Iron America #1. And the character sitting opposite Iron Man and Captain America, Veronica Eden, may seem a bit familiar to Marvel readers. She was at the center of the Falcon & Winter Soldier five-issue series.

Written by: Derek Landy
Art by: Angel Unzueta
Colors by: Rachelle Rosenberg
Letters by: VC’s Joe Caramanga

Also, Eden may remind some of another comic book character we’ve seen a lot over the years. But there are significant difference, and Captain America/Iron America #1 illustrates that, painting a picture of Eden’s mission. And there’s definitely some potential.

As for the literal illustration within Captain America/Iron America #1, readers are hit with an absolutely shredded, shirtless Tony Stark to start things. There’s no shortage of action throughout the issue, and the style is quite flashy. Very appropriate for a Marvel story with two of their legacy characters. But things do get a bit inconsistent at times. The biggest thing for me was the difference between Tony Stark in the first few pages and the present. Yes, some time passes by between those pages, but there are moments Tony’s face looks different in ways it shouldn’t. By and large, though, the art is strong this issue.

I didn’t have immensely high expectations for this series coming in. But I’m interested in learning more about Veronica Eden, who Marvel seems to have some sort of plans for.

Looking for more comic book content? Go check out the latest episode of Geeks WorldWide Radio‘s TLDR podcast, where Joseph Gilmore and Nick Friar discuss comics weekly and talk to creators from the industry — available on SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts and Spotify!