Yes, it’s a bit of a mouthful, but it’s the only way to properly describe the item in question. Geeks WorldWide was fortunate enough to be reached out by Rosie’s Workshop, to review this awesome, one of a kind light, perfect for movie buffs, lamp collectors… and, genuinely, anyone who likes looking for really cool things, such as myself.

This accent light is made from, and I quote, “a real vintage camera.” The team behind Rosie’s Workshop, husband and wife Blair and Jen Koss, take their time to partner with antique and camera dealers, in order to find these rare items, and in this case, a real 8mm Bolex camera, a brand used by, you guessed it, a very young Steven Spielberg (hence the name of this particular accent light). The team lovingly restore each and every camera as best they can. Each camera will no doubt have different kinds of aging effecting it, so each product will be unique in it’s own right.

Along with the camera, you get a very sturdy, two-pronged cord (to plug it in). The rope is vintage inspired, and honestly, it shows due to how rugged it it. They certainly don’t make ’em like that anymore! The switch to turn it on is a little rotator, dimming switch. Dimmer switches won’t work with every light bulb, so if you want the dimming effect, make sure to purchase a bulb that will work in it. The lightbulb provided is to enhance the vintage look of the camera; an “Edison” lightbulb, handmade from the “PL&T” company in Garland, Texas. It’s a 40 Watt, so the light is just as described, an accent light, but it’s tinted with an antique finish, so it certainly appears like the lightbulb has seen some history. The maximum, as stated by the information we’ve been given, is 100 watts, so if you want a more modern bulb, that’s the max you can go. The final component is a little camera stand to hold up your new accent light. Together, it forms the perfect little accent piece for your room, office, or… well, anywhere, really. Once I get my desk, that’s exactly where it’s going!

Along with every camera, and it’s components, comes a “certificate of authenticity that includes the story behind the camera.” Since this camera is an 8mm Bolex, the little story sheet I received is all about Steven Spielberg, and the first film he ever made as a 12 year old. It’s an interesting little insight into what this unsuspecting camera sparked in the mind of a young child, who would soon become one of the most well renowned directors in cinema history.
Perhaps this light will inspire your next big idea!
This accent light goes for $375.00 on their website, and honestly? It is well worth the cost. This is a genuine 8mm Bolex camera, lovingly restored, fitted with a lightbulb socket, and comes with a stand, a heavy duty made to last cord, and they are also supporting another business by purchasing, and including those Edison lightbulbs. Time and effort certainly factor into this one of a kind piece, and the price is just right.
Head on over to their website,, to check out their other camera inspired pieces, as well as the other eccentric creations they offer.