Three Jokers Sequel Is Coming from Geoff Johns & Jason Fabok

Nov 11, 2020

Mad Cave Studios


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DC’s big event this past couple of months has been Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok’s Three Jokers series. The comic features Batman, Red Hood and Batgirl as they track down the mystery behind multiple Jokers who’ve set their sights on creating the ultimate villain for Batman. The series was hyped for years and finally wrapped recently to somewhat mixed reviews and reactions. But despite those the comic was a massive seller so it only makes sense DC would want to capitlize on this popularity and continue the story if they can.

Bleeding Cool is reporting this is definitely the case as Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok are currently at work creating a one-shot sequel to the best selling comic of 2020. The site also reports that the sequel with be an integral piece of DC’s new Ominverse which will free the publisher and creators of the convoluted continuity they cling too.

So its starting to sound like DC is really just taking the story first approach and things like Three Jokers, Doomsday Clock, and Death Metal were the beginnings of a new era of storytelling for the publisher.

Source: Bleeding Cool