Pink Justice Cosplay is a husband and wife cosplay team, but to keep this interview short, only one of them will be answering the interview questions
Name: Cheryl Isenberg
Location: Orlando, FL
Instagram: @pinkjusticecosplay
Twitter: @PinkJusticeCos
Photographer(s): PikaKlutz, Gapple Photos, Ken AD Photography, Aperture Ashley, BriLan Imagery and Matthew Sperzel Photography.
Wings (Pixie): Fancy Fair Wings & Things!
Contact lenses: Samhain Contact Lenses
1. What does cosplaying mean to you?
Cosplaying really helps me control the stress in my life. It gives me something to do and I also feel like I am accomplishing something. It has also brought me some of my closest friend, as well as a fun hobby I can work on with my husband.
2. What was your very first cosplay experience? What inspired you to take up the craft?
My very cosplaying experience was when I was about fifteen. I was really into anime and my friends asked me if I wanted to go to an anime convention. My friend’s mom actually helped me make my costume.
3. If you could select a favorite costume that you have worn, which would you choose?
My favorite costume is one of my newest ones, which is Cullen from Dragon Age. I feel like my sewing has finally reached a point where it is very clean and all the armor in the costume really makes me feel like a hero.
4. And, if you could select a favorite costume that you’ve seen someone else wear, what would that be?
Any Sakizo design. I haven’t been able to make one yet, because they are just so expensive to make, but they look super amazing.
5. What is an upcoming costume that you’re currently working on?
Since the con season is slow right now I am kind of working on several at once. I hope to finish Sakura from Naruto this weekend, but I am also working on a big armor cosplay that will be debuted closer to the end of the year.
6. If you had unlimited funds and resources, what costume(s) would you create?
Mostly huge armor pieces. I love armor cosplays.
7. How do you prepare yourself, mentally and physically, for an upcoming convention/event?
Mentally, cons are more of a vacation for me, so I just try to have fun and not stress about things. Physically, I don’t necessarily work out for cosplay, but I am a very active person and I like to be fit and healthy, so I take kung fu and additional workouts, as well as try to eat better foods.
8. At the end of the day, in your opinion, what is the best part about cosplaying?
The best thing about cons is getting to spend time with your friends in a social setting where you can also meet other people who are into the same things you are.
9. What advice can you offer to those who are aspiring cosplayers?
Listen to Shia LaBeouf and just do it. If you just want to just wear cosplay, then find a commissioner you like and do your research on them to see if they really have the skills you want for your cosplay. If you want to make your own, think about what skills you already have and try to start with a costume you think is in your skill range, but try to learn something new while making it.
Give yourself plenty of time and don’t stress out if you don’t finish in your deadline, just move it to the next con. Also, do research on the materials you will need and budget accordingly. Lastly, enjoy yourself.
Kousaka Honoka (Love Live!)
Cullen Rutherford (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
Ty Lee (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Natsu (Soulcaliber V)
Pixie (X-Men)
Spider Gwen (Marvel Comics)
Harley Quinn (DC Bombshells)
Neopolitan (RWBY)
Super Sailor Chibi Moon (Sailor Moon Super S)
Tallis (Dragon Age II)
To learn more about Pink Justice Cosplay, check out their Facebook page: and follow them on Twitter: @PinkJusticeCos
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