Name: Dustbunny
Location: Los Angeles, USA
Photographer(s): York In A Box, Peter Roig Photography, Captivating Creations Art and Photography, EpiczPhotography and Anime Convention Video.
1. What does cosplaying mean to you?
Cosplay to me is all about expressing my creativity and showing my love for my fandom.
2. What was your very first cosplay experience? What inspired you to take up the craft?
My first cosplay experience was at Katsucon 2003. I was at my first convention wearing my first cosplay, Kagome from Inuyasha. I came to the con with a friend and my dad. It was a great day. When I took up cosplaying I felt like I needed to in order to fully show my obsession with a character.
3. If you could select a favorite costume that you have worn, which would you choose?
I will also have a soft spot for my Totoro gown that I made for Katsucon 2016. It helped me see that I can cosplay what I want and I don’t need to wear revealing costumes.
4. And, if you could select a favorite costume that you’ve seen someone else wear, what would that be?
Oh man I feel like I have seen enough cosplays for 10 lifetimes. But I will always love any Naruto cosplays, I love that show.
5. What is an upcoming costume that you’re currently working on?
I just finished my Pusheen inspired cosplay. Working on a few ideas but nothing solid yet.
6. If you had unlimited funds and resources, what costume(s) would you create?
I’d love to make a Gundam.
7. How do you prepare yourself, mentally and physically, for an upcoming convention/event?
I try to get my costume done at least a few days before the convention. For me if everything is in order I feel prepared.
8. At the end of the day, in your opinion, what is the best part about cosplaying?
The fact that cosplay creates a space for people to wear what makes them happy is a crazy amazing thing. The community is very accepting of others and you can make friends for life.
9. What advice can you offer to those who are aspiring cosplayers?
Just start a cosplaying and when you go to a con and someone asked for a photo of you I swear you will be hooked forever.
Mad Moxxi (Borderlands)
Rey (Star Wars: The Force Awakens)
Mad Moxxi (Borderlands)
Rose Quartz (Steven Universe)
Chun-Li (Street Fighter)
Pikachu (Pokémon)
Vaporeon (Pokémon)
Totoro (My Neighbor Totoro)
Super Sonico
Venusaur (Pokémon)
To learn more about Dustbunny, check out her Facebook page:
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