Aquaman Green Arrow: Deep Target #1 When I first saw the announcement of this title, I was both confused and excited. I’m always ready for a Green Arrow...

Aquaman Green Arrow: Deep Target #1 When I first saw the announcement of this title, I was both confused and excited. I’m always ready for a Green Arrow...
Jackson Hyde: Aquaman Writer Brandon Thomas gave readers a glimpse into Jackson Hyde's future in Aquaman: Future State. Thomas explored a future where...
James Wan let us fans know Aquaman 2, Lost Kingdom, has kicked off produciton...BUT the big clue is the production name, Necrus. Necrus has very old comic...
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We here at The GWW love good movies, especially animated ones. We decided to pick our favorite DC Universe animated ones in honor of Superman: Red Son. We...
Justice League #35 DC Comics Written by: Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV Art by: Francis Manapul Colors by: Francis Manapul and Hi-Fi Letters by: Tom...
Here is a five page unmarked first look at the artwork of DCeased #6! Also check out the amazing covers! DCeased, DC’s brutal blockbuster, reaches its...
According to Variety, the upcoming 'Aquaman' sequel will begin pre-production in 2020, with James Wan coming back to direct. Before he went on to helm...
Mera, Tidebreaker Written by: Danielle Paige Illustrated by: Stephen Byrne Mera, Tidebreaker is the first installment from the new DCInk young adult’s...
Aquaman flooded theaters to the delight of audiences last winter, and now as the hit film becomes available to enjoy from the comfort of your own home, we...
Warner Bros. has given 'Aquaman 2' a release date of December 16, 2022. The sequel currently has no competition on this date. The first film has grossed...
Joining Jake & Tom for this episode is an old friend of the show, Nick Haskins, co-host of the amazing podcast Epic Film Guys! He's ben brought in to...
No thanks, I don't like to chatting with awesome people about stuff I love.