After defeating Rita and Lord Zedd, Kimberly and the other Power Rangers retired and try to return to a normal life. Unfortunately, once you become a...

After defeating Rita and Lord Zedd, Kimberly and the other Power Rangers retired and try to return to a normal life. Unfortunately, once you become a...
There’s only a little bit left of the Mighty Morphin/Power Rangers' Eltarian War event. Through Mighty Morphin #16, it continues to be a great read for...
Power Rangers #13 Both Mighty Morphin and Power Rangers have slowly been building to the next great MMPR event from BOOM, The Eltarian War. Power Rangers...
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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #4 BOOM/IDW Publishing Written by: Ryan Parrott Art by: Simone di Melo with Alessio Zonno Colors...
A new Power Rangers game is coming to Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch, and Steam. The trailer shows off the gameplay and it seems to be a fighting...
It’s time to look back at the awesome comic book covers from 2018 and figure which are the best of the best!
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #32 Boom! Studios Written By: Marguerite Bennett Art By: Simone Di Meo Inked By: Alessandro Cappuccio Colored By: Walter...
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol. 6 Boom! Studios Written By: Kyle Higgins Art By: Jonas Scharf and Jagdish Kumar Colors By: Joana Lafuente Letters By: Ed...
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #30 Boom! Studios Written By: Kyle Higgins Art By: Daniele Di Nicuolo Ink Assistance By: Simona Di Gianfelice Colors By:...
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Lost Chronicles Vol. 1 Boom! Studios Written By: Kyle Higgins, Ross Thibodeaux, Marguerite Bennet, Trey Moore, James...
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #27 Boom! Studios Written By: Kyle Higgins Art By: Daniele Di Nicuolo Colors By: Walter Baiamonte Letters By: Ed Dukeshire...
No thanks, I don't like to chatting with awesome people about stuff I love.