Seven Secrets #11 (REVIEW)

Aug 4, 2021

Mad Cave Studios


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Seven Secrets #11
BOOM! Studios

Written by: Tom Taylor
Art by: Daniele Di Niculo
Colors by: Walter Baiamonte with Katia Ranalli
Letters by: Ed Dukeshire

In Seven Secrets #10, Tom Taylor led readers to believe a huge reveal was coming next issue. Not only did he deliver in Seven Secrets #11, the payoff was epic.

Because now, there aren’t just questions about what happened next. Now we need to know a little more about how things came to be. Perhaps more importantly, how were some people not aware of this situation?

Seven Secrets has been a very consistent series, getting better with each issue. But these last two have been next-level. If you’re not already in on Taylor and Daniele Di Niculo’s series or fell behind, get moving.

(WARNING: Spoilers for Secrets Secrets #11 ahead.)

Seriously, if you haven’t read this issue, don’t read any further.

All right. So…

I was initially a little suspicious of Canto — by initially I mean early in the series. His mask is kind of creepy, and I found it odd no one else wore one. (Of course, now we know why he does.)

But, I eased off once Tajana listed Canto among the people Eva could trust. I should’ve known better. Clearly, Tajana was a little out of touch. Not only did she allow her son to turn into the nemesis of all she stood for, but she also didn’t see he’d fallen in love one someone. No less, one of the people she was closest to in the world.

I’m excited for what happens next, but I desperately need to know more about this relationship and how no one had a clue.

Score: 9.5

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