Eve # 3 (REVIEW)

Jul 13, 2021


Mad Cave Studios


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Eve # 3

Boom Studios

Written by: Victor LaValle
Illustrated by: Jo Mi-Gyeong
Colored by: Brittany Peer

The best laid plans of mice and men are often doomed from the start. But why? Is it because the architects don’t embrace from the onset how they got there or do they fail to consider what happens once they reach their objective. At the end of Boom Studios‘ Eve # 3 one thing is clear for both Eve and Earth. There is no such thing as a “simple” plan.

Victor LaValle’s story balances equal parts action with anecdotal emphasis. Down below Eve has happened upon a pocket of humanity. Left to their own devices it seems the children of Earth have managed to survive, if you want to call if that. My reservations with using the word “survive” stem from my belief that there is an auxiliary component of that word. Surviving is nothing if at some point you don’t begin to thrive, to see growth and development. The children may have found a way to sustain themselves but all they are really doing is staying alive.

While above, the adults seem to be ready to “pop a little champagne” . E92 acting as a voice of reason offers the advice to not count their chickens yet. And that’s not the only insight the android offers.

“The rationale of the robot is remarkable. What comes next? How will they act differently should Eve succeed? Such a shortsighted species we truly are.”

Although the topic is tense, the talented team of artists keep this comic somewhat tender. Illustrator Jo Mi-Gyeong and colorist Brittany Peer balance a harsh world with cartoon-ish characteristics. The dismal world they have to work with isn’t dead and it is evident in how they present it. Even a battle ravaged Wexler maintains much of his fluff, though this issue sees him far less velveteen and more velvet (and violent).

Eve Issue # 3 continues to tell a tale which is as equal parts entertaining and engaging. The final pages found me contemplating a question not only for the comic but for humanity. Despite the progress she has made on her journey, is Eve close to her mission’s completion? Or has she only just begun, with the hardest part(s) still awaiting her.

Score: 9.0