During the fabled 90's X-Men era readers would witness a very public execution on a usually private individual. X-cutioner’s Song saw Stryfe nearly...

See You At The Crossroads
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During the fabled 90's X-Men era readers would witness a very public execution on a usually private individual. X-cutioner’s Song saw Stryfe nearly...
Immortal X-Men # 1 Oscar Vega Variant It isn't hard to come up with an adjective phrase for a Marvel comic. And while titles like the Double Edged Blade...
When the first announcements came out about the House/Powers of X and the monumental transformation to the X-Men franchise, Head of X Jonathan Hickman...
Star Wars: Darth Vader #1 Marvel Written by: Charles Soule Art by: Giuseppe Camuncoli, Cam Smith, David Curiel, and Joe Caramagna After his defeat at...
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