Just for the hell of it. Sometimes that is the only reason you can give why you did something. That is possibly the daring spirit that discovered the existence of 1301-A. So far Image Comics series Hellcop has stuck to detailing the organization responsible for maintaining a positive relationship with that dimension. But there is a saying that there are far worse things/places than Hell.
In Hellcop # 10, Virgil and the rest of the PSC begin to understand they are the only weapon in a war with reality.
Hellcop # 10
“A Brave New World: Part 2”
Story,Art & Covers by: Brian Habelin
Colors by: Geirrod Van Dyke
Additional Scripting by: Hannah Wall
Lettering by: Francis Takenaga
This issue opens with an awkward date that sets the tone for what is to come. Virgil, on a date that seems to be a setup by Taj, is less than interested in his company. While the woman makes some effort to get the Hell Captain to open up she makes no progress. Haberlin recognizes that the world of Virgil and his date are not the same. Virgil even implies that it is easier to speak with his coworker. Who can argue with that logic? It is much easier to relate to someone who understands your world. Your reality.
Now reality is subjective; it is personal and based on perspective. During the course of 10 issues, Brian Haberlin has presented readers with subtle alterations of established legends. Some may feel this is tampering but I personally appreciate this tale”s tactic. First, Hamberlin’s Hell, or 1301-A as the comic refers to it, is not a punishment or prison. It is merely another place; another plane. Does Briggs own a shirt that says “I went to Hell..via portal. Who uses a handbasket these days”?
The modification to the myths make 1301-A less metaphysical. This gives an organization like the Pan-Dimensional Science Corp the feel of being less spiritual and more about science and substance. It also allows the recent shifts the series has seen. Similar to the previous arc’s concept of rights – both to rule and even to some rock ‘n’ roll music – Hellcops # 10 is a reminder that the PSC will have to be armed with more than holy water to protect Earth.
That is because the Hellcops now have Wonderland’s Red Queen in their offices. Dr. |Lee’s actions have created a situation that could result in a mountain of archives to work through. The other dimensional arrival isn’t the real shock; their presence seems only there to provide a mild action sequence. It’s what this situation says about Wonderland’s creator – who owns those rights – that is a much larger story.
Hellcop is a series about the soft spots in our world. The places here that lead elsewhere. That touch upon, that encroach upon other realities.
A hell of a concept. Hell as a concept.
Score: 8.7