This fourth issue brings the “Blood for Blood” series of Gun Honey to its deliciously pulpy and juicy conclusion. I know that not everyone is eager to read spoilers, so instead of blowing the plot for you, I’d like to help remind potential readers of a few things we know walking into this Gun show.
Gun Honey: Blood for Blood #4
Publisher: Titan Comics (Hard Case Crime Imprint)
Writing by: Charles Ardai
Art by: Ang Hor Kheng
Colors by: Asifur Rahman
Letters by: David Leach
Cover A Art by: Sozomaika
What Heat Is This Gun Honey Packing?
In this 4-issue story arc, our titular character (Yes, I stand by the wordplay), is recovering from her last big job, but she’s not resting comfortably. Why? Her rival has managed to implicate our Gun Honey, also known as Joanna Tan, in a murder she did not commit. Joanna has been on an international chase trying to clear her name and survive—you know, just living the nightmare instead of the dream. Even if you did not read the 2021 series that introduced Gun Honey, your interest and open mind alone should serve you as you wind your way through this story by masterful creator, Charles Ardai. If his name is familiar, maybe it’s because Ardai is also the co-founder of Hard Case Crime… or maybe you just have good taste in writers. So for today, we are savoring the end of a hot serial run.
Enter Gun Honey #4
At a glance, we know some important things about the tone of the story, because the cover screams Crime Noir, and what a beautiful sound that is to ears like mine. I love a yarn like this. And if looks could thrill? Wow… the eye candy! Both the internal and cover art (and cover variants) are molten hot. This issue’s A Cover is from one of my favorite current visual artists, Sozomaika.

Undercover Boss
This issue opens with Tan in hot pursuit and working undercover as a show girl in a risqué pool number. Chaos ensues, as gunfire interrupts the performance. Soon she is fighting for her life, both underwater and above ground. Keep your eyes peeled for Morse code tattoos, if you want to know more about the woman whose death Gun Honey has been framed for and find out who might be out to get her in the considerable upheaval.
No Babbling Brook Here
As Joanna fights for her life, the answers to several questions raised by plotlines in this story get woven together. Meanwhile, former agent, Brook, is in a death match of his own. He is fighting for his life, but with logic and information instead of combat. Let’s not give up on him just yet….
Opportunity Only Knocks Twice (Just Like the Postman)
Never bet against the Gun Honey, even when the odds are long. Let’s just say that revenge is a dish best served… well let’s get real, this is not a cold dish nor a cold plot, in any sense of the word—so it’s best served any damn time the opportunity arises in Ardai’s world. And if there’s one thing we know about Joanna Tan, it’s that she will live to fight another day somehow. Read this book for all the yummy details and be assured that this tale’s ending leaves potential for great stories to come in the near future.

Tall Enough to Ride This Ride
This is an enjoyable read from start to finish, and the sort of thing I like for its ability to take me out of my head. It is as far from my real life as I can get without science fiction. Is it for everyone? It’s not for the kids, sorry. But I am sure I’m far from the only one who is tall enough to ride this ride and willing to stand in line for it. It’s also not surprising that it packs a lot of power to entertain, given Ardai’s talent for weaving plot elements and setting just the right mood for this caper. The entire creative team makes this more than the average romp. I’m looking forward to revisiting these characters, both in this story in its collected form, and in planned spin-offs and future storylines too.
Score: 8