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GWW Radio: SoundCloud | iTunes Change My Mind: iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | YouTube Twitter:...
Last friday marked the 18th anniversary of Image Comics’s Invincible (with the first 3 episodes of the new Amazon Prime cartoon adaptation coming March...
We got our FIRST LOOK at Amazon Prime's Upcoming Animated Series Adaptation of Invincible and its looks like it jump right from the pages of the comics....
Now confirming Revenge of the Fans's scoop, The Hollywood Reporter has revealed the full voice cast of Amazon and Robert Kirkman's eight-episode,...
According to Revenge of the Fans, several voice actors have joined the cast of Amazon's eight-episode, hour-long animated series. The show is based on...
Invincible, a comic book series that ended earlier this year written by Robert Kirkman and co-created with Cory Walker is now greenlit by Amazon Studios...
Invincible #144 Image Comics Written by: Robert Kirkman Penciller: Ryan Ottley (Pages 1-24) Inker: Mark Morales (Pages 1-24) Penciller & Inker: Cory...
Invincible #143 Image Comics Written by: Robert Kirkman Artist: Ryan Ottley Inker: Mark Morales Colorist: Nathan Fairbairn Lettered by: Rus Wooton ...
If you’re a PC gamer, you may have heard of Humble Bundle -- an organization which sells video game bundles for charity. You may not know that they do...
Today Image Comics made a slew of exciting creator-owned announcements at Image Expo. “I’m so pleased with how many amazing, talented creators we’re...
No thanks, I don't like to chatting with awesome people about stuff I love.