Captain Marvel #20Marvel Story: Kelly ThompsonArt: Cory SmithColors: Jorge Molina THIS REVIEW MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR EMPYRE… read at your own...

Captain Marvel #20Marvel Story: Kelly ThompsonArt: Cory SmithColors: Jorge Molina THIS REVIEW MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR EMPYRE… read at your own...
Publisher: Marvel Writer: Al Ewing and Dan Slott Art: Valerio Schiti Color: Marte Gracia So it’s that time again. Time for the massive summer event. That...
Marvel's big summer event EMPYRE is about to claim it's first casualty and the House of Ideas is teasing that issue number four will contain the death of...
Empyre #0: Fantastic FourMarvel Comics Written by: Dan SlottIllustrated by: R.B. Silva & Sean IzaakseColors by: Marte Gracia & Marcio...
Marvel Comics unleashed a first look at their big summer event title "Empyre", which is hitting comic shelves on July 15th. The event centers on the two...
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