Hey, want to hear a really, really controversial statement? Well, OK. Here it goes. Dragon Ball Legends is the best Dragon Ball game. Absolute fact. Yep. We said it. It stands head and shoulders above every other Dragon Ball game that has ever been unleashed upon this world. Dragon Ball Legends is the best. It’s no surprise that many people are looking to get Dragon Ball Legends account for sale from us here at U7buy.com. They want to jump into a popular game.
So, let’s tell you why we think Dragon Ball Legends beats every other Dragon Ball game, hands down.
It is Free
That’s right! Dragon Ball Legends is free to play. It is one of only a few Dragon Ball games that you can jump into without spending a single cent. Of course, you can power up far quicker in the game if you spend some cash, but Dragon Ball Legends doesn’t try to force you to do that too quickly. You can easily stick with this game for months as a free to play player. As far as we know, no other free to play game lets you do this. Most demand your cash almost right away.
You’ll need to spend money eventually, but it’ll probably be weeks, if not months, before you get to that point. What we can tell you is that the game is never going to back you into a corner, demanding that you spend your hard-earned cash. That’s nice.
Dragon Ball Characters
Dragon Ball Legend’s main strength is the roster of Dragon Ball characters. Hundreds of them, with more added all the time. If you have a favorite major or minor character, they’re probably already here.
Obviously, most of these Dragon Ball Legends characters are variants of the other characters in the game. As big as the Dragon Ball anime is, there are not hundreds of Dragon Ball characters in it. However, we love the fact that the design team at Dragon Ball Legends have worked incredibly hard to try to ensure that every single character in the game ‘feels’ unique, even if they are slight variants of who came before them, this is especially true of the abilities, costumes, etc.
Even if you do not enjoy the gameplay of Dragon Ball Legends (although, we are 100% sure that you will), you will absolutely love to collect all the Dragon Ball characters in the game. Dragon Ball Legends will constantly throw them at you too. You will not have to spend too much cash if you want some basic characters to play about with.
This means Dragon Ball Legends has more characters to choose from than any other Dragon Ball game. Right away, this tells us that the game is going to be good. Who wouldn’t want more characters to play about with? It is part of the fun of watching the anime, right? Having all that awesome power right at your fingertips! You’ll love it.
Matches the Anime
The graphics in Dragon Ball Legends are superb. Every single animation matches what you could expect from the Dragon Ball anime, and you’ll enjoy the battle effects, the abilities each character boasts, and how they actually ‘feel’ to play about with.
One of the things that we really, really love about Dragon Ball Legends is that it actually has a decent story for you to play through. There are countless other anime games out there that don’t really do justice to the source material. They’re just a money grab. However, Dragon Ball Legends has a complete story that you can play through, and it is actually quite gripping. There is more being added to the story all the time, so you’ll always have something new to discover when you play.
Unique Battle System
This isn’t just a game that you can collect characters in. The gameplay is amazing too. There is a reason why people have been sticking with Dragon Ball Legends for so long.
Dragon Ball Legends is a hybrid strategy and real-time combat game. You’ll be using various mechanics to make decision ‘on the fly’ in the hope that you’ll end up beating your opponent.
We really love how deep the battle system is, and the more you play, the deeper everything will get. However, the battle system is also very accessible. You can pick it up quite quickly. However, the more you play, the more you’ll realize there is a complex battle system there that is always begging for you to try and work out some awesome strategies to use. No other Dragon Ball game comes close to the complexity on offer here.
We don’t think we have played a single Dragon Ball game that has the same depth of gameplay that Dragon Ball Legends has, which means it isn’t too bad for a mobile game, is it?
Loads of Game Modes
This is a game that is always expanding and looking to challenge the people that play it. This is why the developers for Dragon Ball Legends are always adding new and exciting game modes to try out. This is important, because you don’t want to fall into the rut of using the same team for everything. You want to shake things up so you can use the full stable of characters, and Dragon Ball Legends actively encourages this.
On top of that, you’ll always have a ton of events that you can jump into, which will help power up your characters a little bit.
In Summary
We’ll wrap up with that highly controversial statement again – Dragon Ball Legends is the best Dragon Ball game ever. You can even see for yourself, since it is free to play. You can dive into the game today and you’ll know why so many people love it.
Of course, the best part of the game doesn’t come until much later on. This is why we recommend that you give yourself a head start. Learn how to power up DBL characters by reading our guide. You can also check out the U7Buy.com store to see what else we have for you.