In our Exclusive interview with Jeffrey Ford. Marvel Studios Editor For Spiderman: No Way Home. We got to take a look into the filmmaking process for this movie, and other marvel cinematic universe film. How Jeffrey & myself connected, is also a story in itself.
the Marvel Way
After my mother was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, my life changed forever. We faced a long and tough road ahead. I had just started the Podcast/YouTube show.
before recording the first episode we ever made, I received the call of the diagnosis. It was heart -breaking. My best friend, My mom. I bring this up, because of her battle. I was motivated to help, we did charity drives, and Go Fund Me campaigns to raise money via the show. It was through those campaigns, that I met Jeffrey Ford, The Marvel Studios Editor who has worked on most of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

His credits include Captain America, [The Trilogy] The Avengers (Infinity War & Endgame), And then Iron Man, Thor, Falcon And the Winter Soldier, And Now Spiderman No Way Home. (For his entire filmography check out his IMDB)
Half a billion in 3 days? No Way Home Delivers
During this Interview we asked several questions regarding the editing process of Spiderman: No Way Home, and Jeffrey was nice enough to answer almost every question presented.
It was amazing to be able to ask how they decided to present Peter Parkers “Spidey Sense,” and the way the film was able to change tones on a dime.
A Spiderman Christmas miracle
For Now it seems that Jeffrey will be taking some time off from editing, to spend time with his family. People tend to forget just what goes into making these epics from Marvel. Jeff told us that they were still mastering the sound up until the day the film released domestically. In order to get all the different forms (Dolby, Imax, Etc.) just right. He had seen the film roughly 16 times not including the premiere.

In one part of the interview we did address the issue of leaks. This film was affected by the spread of information via the internet. Obviously, we all know what leaks I am referring to here. What he had to say was “They do not help, and we were all bummed to see that those pictures had leaked.”
Even with all of this, the film is still setting box office records. No Way Home is on track to be the first Billion Dollar Plus film since the beginning of the pandemic. “We didn’t know this film would be as big as its shaping up to be” said Jeffrey. “Not Until I saw peoples reactions, that were actually in the movie, did I know how big this was going to be.”
Watch The Full Interview With Marvel Studios Editor Jeffrey Ford, Presented by Showcase Cinemas De Lux.——-> Click Here
Get your tickets for Spiderman: No Way Home By visiting Showcase Cinemas Website
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