Firstly, I feel compelled to mention that I am a huge Star Wars fan. That fan who just refused to accept anyone into their inner circle if they were not a true fan. I mean who doesn’t love Star Wars right? Especially with characters such as C-3P0, R2D2, and Chewbacca to name but a few. Secondly, those who have watched the epic live-action movies. Who can still hear that iconic raspy voice wheeze out: “No…. I am your father.”? Epic moment right!?!
The Official Collector’s Edition
And with that, let’s head straight into the Star Wars Clone Wars: The Official Collector’s Edition.
“Star Wars: The Clone Wars is exactly like the Star War Movies… It’s basically a dramatic series: there’s lots of action and humor.”
George Lucas
So, The Clone Wars was mentioned briefly in Star Wars: A New Hope and expanded significantly in the Star Wars prequel trilogy (1999-2005). The animated movie Star Wars The Clone Wars (2008) lured audiences into the epicenter of the galactic conflict that many had speculated over 3 decades.
The series, which spanned over 7 seasons, explored the conflict between the Republic’s clone troopers and the droid armies of the Separatists. With established characters and the introduction of new characters.
Star Wars The Clone Wars: The Official Collector’s Edition delves into how the groundbreaking series was brought to life by the team led by the supervising director Dave Filoni and of course creator and executive producer George Lucas.
This deluxe Collectors edition features a section on who fought in the Clone Wars with some insight into the characters, as well as some really interesting fun facts.
An in-depth episode guide across 7 seasons is featured, with original artwork, and a data and trivia section. The behind-the-scenes section features an interview with none other than the mastermind himself: George Lucas, as well as supervising director Dave Filoni and his team.
Final Thoughts:
What I loved about this collection is that this is the perfect introduction to the Star Wars Saga for young fans.
I can not wait to delve into this Emmy Award-winning series and movie with the young padawans in the family! And, to be able to discuss and sift through this collector’s edition and find our favorite episodes and characters.
May the force be with you, always! (queue in the soundtrack)