G.O.D.S. #1
Writer: Jonathan Hickan
Artist: Valerio Schiti
Color Artist: Marte Gracia
Letterer: VC’s Travis Lanham
Since the late 80s most of the world has come to recognize cotton as the fabric of our lives. Similarly most fans would argue they know all there is to know about the makeup of Marvel. So leave it up to creator/writer/artist Jonathan Hickman to “rewrite” history once again. G.O.D.S. #1 shows you don’t have to change the hierarchy to change an entire Universe.
For the past few months many Marvel comics have been treating – make that tricking – readers with small visits from G.O.D.S. to familiarize ourselves with them. Anyone in attendance at the 2023 Hellfire Gala may have witnessed a brief confrontation between Wyn, along with his proxy Dimitri, and Illyana due to the duo’s lack of an official invitation. However the first few pages of G.O.D.S. indicate not every individual in the 616 Universe is unaware of these two; or their Boss(es).
By beginning at the issue’s end Hickman employs an effective inverted narrative with the main confrontation with Dr. Strange present to witness Wyn’s victory over Cubisk Core. How many times can you recall witnessing a mystical battle in the Marvel Universe where Strange was on the sidelines? G.O.D.S. #1 quickly establishes the principles of the series in their proper position in Marvel’s pantheon of power. We’ve all witnessed how it often takes a top tier threat to stir Stephen to leave Bleeker St. So when something stirs the interest of both The Powers That Be and The Natural Order of Things it must be bad for business.

Speaking of business, let’s take a look at the employees of these two “entities”. As mentioned above G.O.D.S. #1 introduces readers to a new – at least to us – character in Wyn. Perhaps to avoid confusion, given he is also a magical expert like Stephen, artist Valerio Schiti provides Wyn with a disheveled look similar to Downey’s Sherlock Holmes. Still you can’t overlook the slight similarities in costume (and charm) to another universe’s dark arts detective. A combination of disillusionment and disdain, you begin to wonder why Wyn bothers doing any of it anymore. According to what Wyn tells Dr. Strange it comes down to refusal to relent from the natural order of things.
With much of the work that Wyn does being something of a leap of faith, he thankfully isn’t taking on these missions solo. In fact, part of the “uneasy” alliance between TPTB and TNOOT requires Wyn to have an apprentice. Consider Dimitri, the smug mouth, smart alec Science Boy as Al to Wyn’s Dr. Sam Beckett. But rather than being untethered to this time like Al, Dimitri remains invisible due to his decade of birth. A red glimmer courtesy of Marte Gracia’s ink indicates anytime the technologically curious kid is using his device. Don’t think of ZHOOM as just some Marvel equivalent of the iPhone 15 as it quickly becomes evident that its search engine surpasses any and all A.I. This allows Dimitri to aid Wyn by offering access to knowledge and wisdom that clearly comes from above.
A meeting at The Library of the Worlds helps fully establish the new Who’s Who in the Marvel A-Z . For starters, joining Stephen are fellow magick users Jericho and Clea. It may shock you, but even A.I.M. is there. With the characters in this scene Schiti highlights a detail from Wyn;s discussion with Dr. Strange about good and evil. As well as the true powers that be. Usually Reed and T’Challa are the heroes who give the speeches in situations like the Babylon Event that Cubisk causes. Here, Doom was about as important, and intimidating, as Adameus Cho in the presence of a Centivar.
The heaven’s may declare the majesty of other gods, but Gracia’s colors bring it to the pages of G.O.D.S. #1. The first panel features a seismic shockwave of pink and magenta spellwork that radiates outwards across the New York skyline. In fact, since a theme of G.O.D.S. is the struggle against the darkness, Marte makes sure you see the light in almost every panel.

While the Babylon Event may seem like the issue’s sole struggle, G.O.D.S. #1 actually features a second. Much like the issue’s major storyline, this one also deals with darkness or desperation consuming one’s light. For the most part Wyn tends to behave like a sarcastic cynic but when he’s in the presence of Aiko he is a total sweetheart. Though between her ice cold look and demeanor it’s hard to imagine her warming anyone’s heart. Especially since as the woman who the Avatar to The Powers That Be chose to warm his bed, choosing to become the 97th Centivar seems to go against the natural order of things. Unless both their marriage, divorce, etc. was all part of a much LARGER plan?
By introducing these two “entities” that often operate independently and invisibly within the 616 Marvel Universe, Jonathan Hickman changes the architecture without excessively altering anything. For example, take a look again at Wyn and Illyana’s conversation at the Gala after reading G.O.D.S. Did Wyn know what was coming? Much of what readers can anticipate for Hickman,Schiti and Gracia to reveal in the pages of G.O.D.S has been seen in some form or fashion in several Marvel comics through the years. This just goes to show that you can’t overestimate the importance of any event.
Then again, you can’t underestimate events either. Intentional or divinely inspired, it appears Hickman, Schiti and Gracia gave Mr. Lee a cameo as Aiko’s bartender. Unless this is merely a trick of the imagination or coincidence. Like the fact that right at the portion of G.O.D.S. #1 when Wyn begins trading his way through the mystical realms Bluey’s Markets episode just happened to be playing in the background.
Maybe it doesn’t mean a thing.
Then again, they do say the G.O.D.S work in mysterious ways.
Score: 9.8