The concept of paradise typically centers on one component – indulgence; even over-indulgence. The notion that every want or whim will be satisfied is a key selling points of any paradisiacal proposition. But one resident of Krakoa, one founding member of the X-Men wants to have his cake, the whole pie. Actually just wheel over that entire dessert cart. After the dinner that he shares with Logan in the pages of Wolverine #34, it’s clear that Hank McCoy isn’t counting calories. Beast is only counting on the fact that he is also the best there is at what he does.
Wolverine #34
The Great Aphrodisiac
Writer: Benjamin Percy
Artist: Juan Jose Ryp
Color Artist: Frank D’Armata
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit

Wolverine #34 begins with Logan and Maverick in tracking Beast’s location. Their attempt at a covert operation is upended once a squad of fighter jets arrive courtesy of Jeff Bannister, who is also after Beast. While Maverick attempts to avoid missiles and engage these enemies, Wolverine does something you rarely see him do. For someone known for talking with his claws, since arriving on Krakoa, Logan has been doing that less and less. Whether it’s in the pages of this series, or even the X Lives/Deaths event, readers should notice that words have become Wolverine’s weapon. Using his “friendship” with Bannister, or specifically Jeff’s daughter Maggie, Logan diffuses this situation. Which barely buys him a few moments of calm before the Beast is unleashed.
Longtime X-Men fans will find this issue, and arc of Wolverine to be quite ironic. Despite being the brawn of the original 5, it didn’t take long before other, stronger mutants, like Colossus, became X-Men. This left Beast to become the brains, philosopher and voice of reason among his teammates. Was it really that long ago that Hank first confronted Cyclops about X-Force’s existence? He was appalled at discovering bloody uniforms and towels in the laundry of the Xavier Mansion. Now, with writer Benjamin Percy, the surgeon has become the scalpel. And he is intent on incising any individual or entity he deems a threat. Fans, however, may wonder exactly who is Beast protecting? Himself or his “friends”.

Despite this being a Wolverine comic, and Beast becoming increasingly like his namesake, this issue is light on action. The opening air to sea battle is the only physical fights you’ll find in Wolverine #34. That doesn’t mean it lacks savegary. After capturing Jeff Bannister, again, Beast sends a Logan clone with what appears to be a bomb but actually is a message for the original. Not only is Hank’s cordial dinner invitation to Logan brutal – when you’re dealing with smart, don’t bother trying anything stupid – so are his table manners.
Arriving at the Wild North, Logan discovers Beast has an “arrangement” with the owner that allows him to enjoy the establishment’s cuisine. And engage in his base instincts. Juan Jose Ryp and Frank D’Armata may have set a table for two, complete with lobster and oysters, but it is clear that only Hank is hungry. Ravenous may be a better term. Honestly, the most shocking part was that Beast actually chose to wear a bib, since he skips the utensils, stuffs his face and talks with his mouth full. And bite after bite readers will notice the look on Logan’s face. Sick to his stomach. Meanwhile, Beast looks like he is full of it.

Witnessing this devolution of Hank is reminiscent of the time Pestilence’s touch led to an alteration of his metabolism, causing any use of his superhuman strength to decrease his intellect. This current descent, however, was all Hank’s own doing. What’s worse is that he insinuates this may be who he was all along, just a brute. Tearing apart an decades old image as easily as his fangs tear into the lobster’s shell. And while his behavior in Wolverine #34 may not leave him with an upset stomach, Hank McCoy fans will feel something in the pit of theirs.
That isn’t heartburn. It’s heartbreaking.
Score: 8.5