Even in the most ideal marriages there is the moment when there is a disconnect – even momentarily. So as you can imagine, anyone attempting to achieve marital bliss in the Marvel 616 Universe has even more difficulties. As they come closer to the seven year mark everything isn’t aces for the swamp rat and the southern belle. In Rogue and Gambit #1 writer Stephanie Phillips ups the ante, stacking the deck against the couple’s chances for happiness.
Rogue and Gambit #1
Buy A Girl A(nother) Ring First
Writer: Stephanie Phillips
Artist: Carlos Gomez
Color Artists: David Curiel w/ Federico Blee
Letterer: VC’s Ariana Waher
Recently, when a card shows up in an X-Men comic it is dealing with something prophetic. Both HOX and POX began with Moira’s first meeting with Charles displaying tarot cards. Saw characters like The Devil and Rasputin – who incidentally are appearing now in the Sins of Sinister event. Back in the 90s, however, X-Men fans met a man who held all the cards – dealing them with a smirk on his face.
Readers have started to see hints that Anna’s lifestyle isn’t agreeing with Remy anymore. This continues as Rogue and Gambit opens with texts from Remy giving the impression this wasn’t the date night he had planned. After arriving late – or right on time – Rogue finishes Gambit’s drunken, back alley fight with the Assassin’s Guild. Much of Rogue and Gambit has a point of view or He Said, She Said perspective. This is a couple experiencing a rough patch. Of course since these are two high profile Marvel heroes it goes a little differently – more like She Punches, He Pukes.

While this opening is one of several action sequences in Rogue and Gambit, this issue is less about playing the game and more about setting up the new rules of the relationship. Early in their romance, Remy was always a bit of a recluse – ready to leave the X-Men at any moment. But as their morning after discussion shows it is now Rogue on the run with Gambit trying to keep up. Having these two in their classic Claremont-era costumes is a nice ‘remember the time’ moment courtesy of artist Carlos Gomez and colorists David Curiel and Federico Blee. Continuing what readers got in Immortal X-Men #3, the artists give a stunning look at Destiny – a contrast to her “daughter” who has to cover up.
Destiny’s arrival does what any know-it-all mother in law’s presence does for a struggling couple; it creates more problems. Readers of last year’s Uncanny X-Men run already saw Irene have a similar conversation to this one. There are more specifics on the mission, it is fellow mutant, former Avenger Manifold that needs Rogue’s assistance. Letting Gambit go along seems like a bad bet, especially if Destiny’s reasons for protecting Eden Fesi are sinister? Or stuck in stasis? Phillips has shuffled Rogue and Gambit into the deck with Sins of Sinister seamlessly – can’t forget who’s your daddy. This issue works because it feels like looking back at how this couple got here. Even their recent team up aiding Betsy in Excalibur is included since it’s the Clan Akkaba’s activities that cause Manifold’s involvement. But did Destiny help or hurt his investigation – ya know, with the whole butterfly wings thing?
They say love is blind and Rogue and Gambit #1 proves marriage is no couples retreat. Hopefully,this is a chance for the couple to forge forward, through the fire. Fires which their respective families are responsible for starting and fanning, including the most recent one. By placing their trust in Destiny they have to hope that by betting blind they aren’t also bidding nil.
Score: 9.3