James Tynion IV and Fernando Blanco’s remarkable series, W0RLDTR33, has reached the end of its first arc. The series ingeniously employs real-world settings to weave an epic and chilling tale. Image Comics teaser for the ending was no exaggeration — it really will catch you off guard.

WRITTEN BY: James Tynion IV
ART BY: Fernando Blanco
COLORS BY: Jordie Bellaire
LETTERS BY: Aditya Bidikar
The story delves into the year 2049, where we find an older version of Ellison in a post-apocalyptic world, doing his best to survive the horrors unleashed by the undernet. The story then transitions back to the present in 2024, it seamlessly picks up from where the previous installment left off. What unfolds is masterfully crafted with exceptional dialogue, brought to life through exquisite art and colors. Not going to spoil the plot, this is an experience you must discover for yourself.
Any hope for a sunny and rosey conclusion to the first arc of W0RLDTR33 was abandoned after the first shocking issue. The promise of a conclusion that will defy expectations was not a marketing strategy. W0RLDTR33 #5 delivers a shocking ending that reshaped my entire perspective of the series. The ending fits perfectly with the narrative and does not feel far-fetched.
The last issue revealed a lot and most of it came as a surprise, most notably Gabriel’s future and the exchange between Gabriel and Liam. The conversation between Gabriel and PH43R reveals some very interesting information while leaving enough room for questions.
Throughout W0RLDTR33 dialogue and visuals are used to build a truly creepy atmosphere. The weight of the well-scripted dialogue is equally as effective as the darker imagery that was so familiar to us within this series. This left a lasting impression and a lot to think about after every single issue.
Final thought:
This gripping tale’s first arc comes to a close while maintaining its intensity and leaving much to ponder. I am absolutely convinced that this is the best horror comic of the year. I am well aware that there are several outstanding horror comics out this year, but W0RLDTR33 possesses an unsettling quality that makes it plausible as a real-world event.
If you haven’t done yourself the favor of diving head-first into this series, go get it as soon as humanly possible. You might be missing out on what could potentially be the finest horror comic of the decade!