What's my motivation? This line, delivered by an actor portraying a basketball player in a classic 90s Sprite commercial, is both thought provoking and...

I Do It For The Love
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What's my motivation? This line, delivered by an actor portraying a basketball player in a classic 90s Sprite commercial, is both thought provoking and...
Iron Fist Netflix Season 1, Episode 2 'Shadow Hawk Takes Flight' Iron Fist Episode 2 starts with Danny's homecoming not going as planned. It’s quite...
The big Nintendo Reveal is now over and I think there's only two possible reactions; Hype or Disappointment. Anyone who's been familiar with my articles...
Burnt “Maybe I just wanted it really badly, that when I got it, I didn’t know how to hold on to it...” –Adam Jones Bradley Cooper returns to the kitchen...
No thanks, I don't like to chatting with awesome people about stuff I love.