It is said it is better to have loved and lost, but that’s taking someone else’s perspective on something that’s personal. Only the individual can truly appreciate all that someone, or something has meant to them; the loss they now feel. If only there was a way to make this into a healthy relationship instead of this nothingness. A good portion of the pages of Immortal X-Men #17 from Marvel Comics echo this exact sentiment. Something like the start of a 4 page letter; a written reflection containing tender sentiments shrouded by terrible regret.
Immortal X-Men #17
Writer: Kieron Gillen
Artist: Juan Jose Ryp
Color Artist: David Curiel
Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles

Although Charles got his spotlight issue of Immortal X-Men #14 a few months back this story starts with the founder of the X-Men on Krakoa. And while some things have changed since that issue, some have stayed the same. On one side after being absent for several months we know Sinister still a presence in his psyche, though David Curiel’s blue almost ethereal tone give him an innocent appereance. But the Professor isn’t so sure now aware it was Sinister who was responsible for the casualties to Orchis as they attempted to invade the island. Sinister comes clean about those acts, along with some other secretive plans insisting it was all in everyone’s best interest. Reading VC’s Clayton Cowles’ lettering of Gillen’s script suggests a small portion of Charles isn’t so sure. But, is it about the Sinister part in all this or his own?
Similar to previous entries, Immortal X-Men #17’s main cover features a (former) member of the (former) Quiet Council of (the former nation) of Krakoa. This explains her inclusion in the title usually focuses on one member of the governing body of the mutant island. Though, in her current state the woman who is arguably the most powerful telepath in the Marvel Universe barely has control over her own faculties. The fallout from the 2023 Hellfire Gala continued in Louise Simpson’s Jean Grey. detailing how after her “death” on that day some unforeseen, even unseen events, led to her entering the White Hot Room.
So similar to the web that is connecting Uncanny Spider-Man and Astonishing IceMan, these two title’s are creating a a mutant comic circuit. The past/present and future “hope” of the mutant race now brought together for a passing of the (phoenix) flame.

Hope’s presence, minus the rest of the fabled Five, shows how quickly a connection can go sour. For years it looked like they shared a hip since they always shared a panel. Now, the Mutant Messiah is all by herself, well that’s not entirely true. Exodus is around and she means everything to him. Since the start of the Krakoan Era, Jean Paul’s adoration has overshadowed any he ever showed Magneto.
But recently in the pages of Immortal X-Men it feels like there is something there that wasn’t there before. Faced with an upgraded Apocalypse crushing the life out of Bennet, , courtesy of the pen in Juan Jose Ryp’s hand, Hope finally embraces her namesake, and her birthright. Does this mark the end of the will they or won’t they relationship between Jean and the Phoenix?

If one was to romanticize the entire Immortal X-Men series, then this would be the start of the surrender. Specifically in the scenes between Xavier and Essex, though the question is whose to base instincts Charles succumbing. Also, Hope surrenders, coming to accept the illusions in the desert were of her own design. However, if Apocalypse represents her (and her father Cable’s) past, and Bishop a future threat, what is Logan? To not only Hope but all mutantdom.
For someone who died a few months ago Immortal X-Men #17 doesn’t appear to be letting Jean rest in peace. That’s not in the story SHE has written. Not sure when this one ended up on Jean’s dance card. Is this a start of Jean and the boys’ time warp (to save the mutant race) again? They, yes them again, also say love conquers all; where there is an X, there is a way.
You just have to be willing to answer one question – Who Do You Love?
Score: 8.7