What is your Holy Grail comic? What would you do if you had the chance to sell a Batman #1 (8.0) or a Superman #1 (7.0)? A new Superman documentary...

What is your Holy Grail comic? What would you do if you had the chance to sell a Batman #1 (8.0) or a Superman #1 (7.0)? A new Superman documentary...
Simply put, Dark Crisis: Worlds Without a Justice League - Superman #1 is a spectacular, emotional tour de force of an issue. If you're not normally a fan...
Dinosaurs are awesome. Superhero's are awesome. What happens when you have Superhero's who are Dinosaurs? You get one of the most fun, and wildly...
New from DC Comics comes the anticipated new series Batman/Superman: World’s Finest. Written by Mark Waid and with art by Dan Mora, DC brings two...
Motor City Comic Con 2022 has recently announced a huge reunion that will occur this year. The entire weekend we will be graced by The Christopher Reeve...
Some things just belong together — Tomasi and the Super Sons being one of them. In this case though, we're not talking sons/kids, we're not talking...
Dark Knights of Steel #3 Another issue. Another dead character. Tom Taylor and co. continue with Dark Knights of Steel #3, a jarring and impactful romp...
Tom Taylor, writer of fan favorite comics All-New Wolverine, Superman: Son of Kal-El and Nightwing, announced Wednesday he has signed an exclusive...
Dark Knights of Steel #2 A mystery so big, it could crumble an empire. A story so great, it could rule the comic realm for years to come. Tom Taylor has...
Go in with no expectations, and Tom Taylor weaves a tale that is both mind-blowing and original. Go in with the highest expectations, and you'll still...
Tom Taylor may be the busiest person at DC Comics these days. Apparently, Nightwing, Superman: Son of Kal-El and Batman: The Detective aren't enough for...
The long-awaited start of the newest Tom Taylor DC Comics series, Superman: Son of Kal-El, is over. But Taylor didn't have the only must-read comic of the...
No thanks, I don't like to chatting with awesome people about stuff I love.