While I won't admit to being a professional event organizer, I have attended enough functions to notice the success or failure of the party comes down to...

While I won't admit to being a professional event organizer, I have attended enough functions to notice the success or failure of the party comes down to...
When will we do something about this thing that causes tears in mothers eyes due to the loss of lives. This enemy of all mankind, how anyone can use it,...
Analog #5 Image Comics Written by: Gerry Duggan Art by: David O'Sullivan Colors by: Mike Spicer Letters by: Joe Sabino Analog has captured a not too...
Infinity Countdown Prime #1 Marvel comics Writer: Gerry Duggan Artist: Mike Deodato Jr. Color Artist: Frank Martin Letterer: Cory Petit Release Date:...
Bust out the Eggnog, hang the Mistletoe and prepare for some Marvel style holiday cheer. It’s an All-New, All-Different Marvel holiday extravaganza and...
This October, it’s truly a team of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes unlike any you’ve seen before. Humans! Mutants! Inhumans! Deadpool! Yeah, we’re not kidding!...
This October, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are reforged, retooled and recharged for the All-New, All-Different Marvel Universe! But first, kickoff the all-new...
1872 #1 Marvel Writer: Gerry Dugan Art: Nicole Virella While I have predominantly been against the concept of Secret Wars and Battleworld because of its...
The stones are calling to one another, and the most powerful artifact in the Marvel Universe will be re-assembled in INFINITY GAUNTLET #1! From...
That’s right! Add up all the Deadpool series (creatively), and April’s DEADPOOL #45 marks Wade Wilson’s landmark 250th issue! How is he celebrating? He’s...
No thanks, I don't like to chatting with awesome people about stuff I love.