Doctor Who – Missy: The Master Plan (Review) Plus Exclusive Pages

Nov 5, 2021

Mad Cave Studios


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Cover Art Doctor Who - Missy: The Master Plan

Missy: The Master Plan

You can now catch this amazing Doctor Who series within the pages of one graphic novel. Missy: The Master Plan is witty and charming with more than a dash of intrigue. Jody Houser delivers a knock-out heist of Whovian proportions while Roberta Ingranata serves up some Michelle Gomez quality Missy glares. You may be in need of a Chibnall palate cleanser about now. And Missy: The Master Plan will send you into the mind of Houser with the beauty of Ingranata for a bit of a big ensemble detox.

By: Titan Comics

Written By: Jody Houser
Art By: Roberta Ingranata

There are so many questions as this series progresses. Missy is in rehab, but is she fully with the program? I wonder if there is anything she is seeing throughout her timeline that she fails to find. Motivations can be tricky, and this antihero is no exception. There’s a fragment to the key to time at stake. Can the pair team up to steal… Er, find it?

  • Doctor Who: Missy P1
  • Doctor Who: Missy P2
  • Doctor Who: Missy P3
  • Doctor Who: Missy P4
  • Doctor Who: Missy P5

Meet the Cast of Characters


She’s seeking the fragment to the key to time and busting the Master out of prison instead of doing her penance like the good girl the Doctor wants her to be. We know this is the point in Missy’s timeline where she is stuck in her own prison. So, what is she doing galavanting around in the TARDIS?

The Master

Flattery will get you somewhere, but will it be somewhere you wanted to go? He’s more than willing to take your flattery and stab you in the back simultaneously. Appealing to his better nature won’t get you far either. For those that need a catch-up, Missy is the female incarnation of the Master and the Doctor’s friend – enemy; I always get those mixed up!

Third Doctor

Stranded on his favorite little dust ball, the Third Doctor is determined to ensure his nemesis is safely behind bars. If you are hoping to see a lot of the Doctor, you might be a bit disappointed. While he’s around enough for my taste, he may be lacking to some.

The Twelfth Doctor

He does everything based on the greater good, but he doesn’t have to smile about it. The Doctor falls one step behind, or is he two steps ahead?

We become privy to insights into her character through the way she’s portrayed within these pages. The facial expressions and quippy banter are spot-on for Missy’s character. You can tell the care and work that went into getting her just the way we’d expect while delivering a story that we don’t. Her new leaf seems to have turned dark, but why? Ingranata delivers a soft palette where needed most and reserves the full saturation for those exciting bits. I can’t wait to see where this story goes next.

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