The Lonesome Hunters: The Wolf Child marks the highly-anticipated return of the supernatural coming-of-age fantasy series created by Tyler Crook, in collaboration with Dark Horse Comics. Howard and Lupe, are on the road facing some unexpected challenges to return the mystical sword Broken down on the side of the road near a small town with… Continue reading THE LONESOME HUNTERS: THE WOLF CHILD
Tag: Dark Horse Comics
See What You Saw
In the world we live in there appear to be only two types of stories or situations – yours and mine/ours. And unfortunately, we often do not see and fully understand what is happening on the other side. This allows for blind spots and shadows where anything can lurk and anything can happen to anybody;… Continue reading See What You Saw
In Plain Sight
Say can you see, beyond your own nose? Because the world looks differently when everyone’s view is seen. And not merely some people’s point of view. But, what if you could open your eyes and see everything as your own personal paradise? Or purgatory or even a Pac-Man simulation? Dark Horse Comics invites readers to… Continue reading In Plain Sight
I Think I’ll Have The Heart Attack
I doubt many people went ahead and shelled out the extra for the Pelican Package while planning their wedding. A couple retreat isn’t the first thing you usually want to order off the menu, however, the heart wants what it wants. But sometimes you can’t decide for yourself or maybe need some help. Dark Horse… Continue reading I Think I’ll Have The Heart Attack
Something Close To Nothing
The hierarchical structure of the villain world doesn’t have many levels. So there isn’t much room for growth and development. You don’t often hear about villain sidekicks – the most famous one is now a bigger star than her mentor. That’s because in the villain world you either take over the world or you should… Continue reading Something Close To Nothing
Jenny Zero II #1: Dark Horse Comics Review
Jenny Zero is back, and readers of the first volume are getting more chaos from Dave Dwonch, Brockton McKinney and Magenta King. However, there were a few noticeable differences in Jenny Zero II #1 from prior issues. Dark HorseWritten by: Dave Dwonch & Brockton McKinneyArt by: Magenta KingColors by: Arnaldo RoblesLetters by: Dave Dwocnh On… Continue reading Jenny Zero II #1: Dark Horse Comics Review
Gun Honey writer Charles Ardai joins TLDR
Charles Ardai makes his TLDR debut to talk about his hit series with Titan Comics, Gun Honey. Joseph Gilmore and Nick Friar get some insight into the creative process and how the show got optioned for a show so quickly. GWW Radio: SoundCloud | iTunesTLDR: iTunes | Spotify | YouTUBE | TwitchTwitter: @TLDR_pod | @BackCrackah | @Fry_Guy1 Instagram: @TLDR_pod | @BackCrackahTIKTOK: @tldrpodcast Normally, Doc and FryGuy only discuss new… Continue reading Gun Honey writer Charles Ardai joins TLDR