Title: “Landmark Victory: Binance US Court Ruling Reveals Regulatory Oversights”

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Summary of Binance US Court Ruling


The Florida First District Court of Appeal ruled in favor of Binance US, overturning the Emergency Suspension Order issued by the state regulator due to lack of evidence. The court found errors in the interpretation of statutes by the Florida Office of Financial Regulation.


In a significant legal development, Binance US successfully appealed against an Emergency Suspension Order that led to the revocation of its money-services company license. The court ruling shed light on procedural errors and an incorrect application of statutes by the regulatory authority in Florida.

Main Points

Changpeng Zhao and Binance Holdings were initially penalized for AML and BSA non-compliance, but the plea agreements were deemed inadequate to justify the suspension of Binance US’s operations in Florida. The court highlighted the lack of substantial evidence to support the emergency suspension, questioning the OFR’s decision.

The Emergency Suspension Order was found to have flaws in its procedure and misinterpretation of relevant statutes, leading to detrimental consequences for Binance US. The order failed to explore alternative measures before revoking the license, causing disruptions in the exchange’s activities and trading volumes.


The court’s decision in favor of Binance US signifies a critical win for the crypto exchange in Florida. The ruling not only points out deficiencies in the emergency suspension process but also highlights the importance of evidence-based regulatory actions in the cryptocurrency industry. This legal battle showcases the complexities and challenges faced by exchanges in navigating regulatory landscapes.


By Steven Miller

Some people call me a space cowboy, some call me the gangster of love.

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