HUMBL BEGINNINGS…Its Bear hunting season

By: Stevey Checkers via THEGWW.COM It’s been a while. Much has happened since my last post. Long story short…I’m back. Let’s jump into the deep end. If you search the term HUMBL on any social media site you’re bound to find a full-out media blitz by short-sellers and “bears” who either have zero patience or… Continue reading HUMBL BEGINNINGS…Its Bear hunting season

Humbl beginnings…ONE APP TO RULE THEM ALL. |

By Stevey Checkers Key Takeaways Humbl Pay continues to establish itself as a global payment option. Humbl has multiple revenue streams in the making. Digibyte will have exponential growth due to its utilization in the Humbl Pay app. Fintechzoom(dot)com are a bunch of bloody wankers for stealing articles. Alex Lowe is a tool for claiming… Continue reading Humbl beginnings…ONE APP TO RULE THEM ALL. |

Humbl beginnings…THE BLOCK IS HOT.

Brian Foote is about to throw a Block party of epic proportions.  Your invitation is in the app store already and it’s a BYOD (Bring your own device). Music will be provided compliments of HUMBL PAY and their ticketing service Tickeri. The stage has been set for HUMBLs global fin Tech app.   Brian Foote picked… Continue reading Humbl beginnings…THE BLOCK IS HOT.

Humbl beginnings…THE OLYMPICS.

Humbl Pay, Welcome to The Olympics. HUMBL Announces Completion of Monster LA Acquisition Brian Foote, CEO of HUMBL PAY, has picked a top-notch company to run their NFT marketing campaign. Monster LA holds the recipe of success of pulling in and captivating audiences worldwide. Their curriculum vitae is packed with success. They build value in… Continue reading Humbl beginnings…THE OLYMPICS.

Humbl beginnings…IT’S OVER.

Brian Foote, CEO of HUMBL,  delivered a crystal clear vision of the future in his latest conference call, and here’s a hint,  it’s spelled without the letter “E”. Foote beat Costco to the punch (probably by a couple of days) by delivering Christmas early for HUMBL investors.  Drive to the main street in your hometown… Continue reading Humbl beginnings…IT’S OVER.

Humbl Beginnings…..Attack of the Shorts

Humbl – The Rocket ascent Humbl shot out of the gate earlier this year. I found this company while scanning stocks on my lunch break the Wednesday before thanksgiving. Why would a carpet company be up 40% in the OTC? I first stumbled on the Forbes article knighting Brian Foote a “company to watch” in 2020. That… Continue reading Humbl Beginnings…..Attack of the Shorts

Humbl beginnings…Bringing the USA up to speed.

Key Takeaways ⅓ of Generation Zers and young Millennials use 3 or more mobile wallets. HUMBL mobile pay has peer-to-peer payment services in the finishing stages of development. The USA significantly lags behind other countries in mobile wallet adoption. HUMBL is ramping up the release of their NFT token engine. The global mobile wallet rate… Continue reading Humbl beginnings…Bringing the USA up to speed.

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