Finn Meets A Future Incarnation in Adventure Time #61 Review

Adventure Time #61 kaboom! Comics Written by: Christopher Hastings Art by: Ian McGinty, Maarta Laiho (Colors), and Mike Fiorentino (Lettering) Here I am, once again, finding myself in the Land of Ooo…or am I? We’re in space! And there’s the Earth with the giant chunk taken out from it, surrounded by – wait, who are… Continue reading Finn Meets A Future Incarnation in Adventure Time #61 Review

The Doctor is a Punk Rocker in “The Twelfth Doctor Adventures Year Two” (Review)

The Twelfth Doctor Adventures Year Two: Invasion of the Mindmorphs Part 1 of 2 Titan Comics Written by: Robbie Morrison Art by: Rachel Stott and Rod Fernandes (Colorist) Doctor Disco, Doctor Funkenstein, Basil, the Caretaker, and… the Time Surgeon? You heard right! The Twelfth Doctor let out his inner punk rocker. -receives note from editor-… Continue reading The Doctor is a Punk Rocker in “The Twelfth Doctor Adventures Year Two” (Review)

Won’t You Be My Neighbor? – Hello Neighbor Pre-Alpha

Hello Neighbor. It’s everywhere. It is, dare I say, the new Five Nights at Freddy’s for the gaming community. What do I mean by that? Basically everyone is playing it, and speculating as to what the background story is. I myself cannot wait to find out what this shady and well-mustached gentleman is hiding from… Continue reading Won’t You Be My Neighbor? – Hello Neighbor Pre-Alpha

Marceline and Bonabelle Bond in “Adventure Time Comics” #7 (Review)

Adventure Time Comics #7 Kaboom! Comics Adventure Time is, without a doubt, one of the most interesting children’s cartoons to grace our screens, and I for one, am a huge fan of its zany nature, and outright weirdness. As if having it on television wasn’t enough, it has been transformed into a comic, and has… Continue reading Marceline and Bonabelle Bond in “Adventure Time Comics” #7 (Review)

Hope Delivered By A Mad Man in A Box

Doctor Who is a big part of my life and has helped me through tough times. I am eternally grateful to those who have played the Doctor – and even more so to the creators of the handful of episodes I watched through them. I have found that this show has been a source of… Continue reading Hope Delivered By A Mad Man in A Box

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