EXCLUSIVE: An X-Men Animated Series Begins Production in 2023

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UPDATE: This story has now been CONFIRMED via Disney Plus Day as Marvel has announced a revival of the X-Men animated series is in the works with original cast and creators set to premier in 2023

If you have been following myself or GWW closely you may already have a inclination of what this news maybe. I hinted at it in our previous article discussing an upcoming Thunderbolts project and also threw out some teases on a recent appearance of our Change My Mind podcast. But sense Disney Plus day is tomorrow and I don’t want to miss out on revealing this info here it is.

Sources close to GWW and within Marvel Studios have informed us Marvel Studios is currently developing an X-Men Animated Series for Disney Plus that is set to begin production in 2023. Now I know during the Change My Mind podcast I indicated I was trying to get more details on this series as it could end up being something new, something old or something borrowed and the fact is, after talking to literally everyone I know, sources and journalists included I couldn’t get any info beyond, an X-Men Animated series is in development and will start production in 2023.

The reason I wanted to find more hard lined details on the project is because it sounds like it could go in 3 directions. Either this is a brand new series in which Feige and co can begin to planet the X-Men seeds that will spread throughout the MCU, or this is a reboot of the original 90’s X-Men animated show in which some pieces of that puzzle will return and be involved, or its a straight revival of the 90s show and it will continue where they left off.

Personally, I think its something new, Feige appears to be a huge X-Men fan and it seems like he would want to personally usher Marvel’s Mutants into the MCU. The only thing that makes me step back and ask “Could this be a revival/reboot” is in August of 2021, 90’s X-Men The Animated Series, producer Larry Houston, confirmed during a panel at Wizard World that they had pitched an X-Men Animated Series reboot to Marvel Studios in 2019.

Here is what Houston said during an interview in 2019

“The one thing we’d like to do more than anything else is to continue where we left off,”

And again Houston discuss the prospect during a Wizard World Panel in 2020

“We’ve had talks, but that’s about it. We’ve made conversation and it’s up to them to make the decision, but we’ve let them know that we’re all available for whatever they want to do in the future.”

Houston also indicated this is a project he would come out of retirement for.

“Whatever they wanted to do if we had all the original team, whether the project was for a one-off special or a five-part limited series. “That’s what I would come out of retirement for.”

So, Larry’s comments certainly make you think don’t they, it does sound like the original animated X-Men team has had discussions with Marvel about a potential return but unfortunately no confirmation and for now all we do know is an X-Men animated project is indeed on the horizon and will start production in 2023.

Interview portion sourced from: MovieWeb, TVWeb

By Casey Walsh

At an early age I knew I loved two things more than anything else Comic Books and Video Games and no matter how hard my parents tried they couldn't keep me away from the capes and pixels. Now that I have a wife and child of my own I can't wait to share these vast worlds and experiences with them and hopefully you! With GWW I created and become editor of the comics section, which has now become the websites most popular area and features daily post with unique Comic editorials, reviews and previews. Along with Will Elizondo we started the GWW Capes Crew podcast. A weekly show dedicated to to all things Comics, Superheros and Sequential Art. After a year of creating content for GWW I was made its Editor in Chief. I love everything I do and can't think of a better way to spend my time than to spread every form of geekery to every corner of the globe. Comics will all be my passion though and were my heart lies. Twitter: @TheComixKid PSN ID: rosettastone24 Console of choice: PS4 or Vita Favorite Genre: Action RPG Comic Book Pull List: Guardians of the Galaxy, Superior Spider-Man, Batman, Black Science, The Star Wars and Superman Unchained, Amazing Spider-Man, Justice League. Anything by Rick Remender, Dan Slott, or Donny Cates Favorite Comics: The Dark Knight Returns, Blackest Night, Old Man Logan, BuzzKill, Infinity Gauntlet, Winter Solider, Fables Also Collects: Marvel and DC Minimates and action figures galore. Career Systems: Atari 2600, NES, Gameboy, Game Gear, Genesis, SNES, Dreamcast, PS1, Xbox, PS2, Xbox 360, PS3, Vita, PS4

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