Interview with Cosplayer Laney Feni!

Name: Laney Feni Location: Washington DC Geeks WorldWide: Right off the “bat”, I have to ask, How awesome was it seeing Scott Snyder share the photo of you guys? Laney Feni: It was super awesome meeting those guys! Snyder had followed me on Instagram a couple months before and asked if he could repost my photo on… Continue reading Interview with Cosplayer Laney Feni!

GWW Capes Crew Special: Shaun Interviews Cosplayer Kali Neko

[soundcloud url=”″  params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=true&hide_related=false&show_artwork=true&visual=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Shaun and Kent sit down to interview cosplayer Kali Neko. Kali talks about how she got into cosplay, all of the sites that shes affiliated with, her first trip to Dragon Con and much more. Download, listen, and enjoy. Make sure to follow Kali on Twitter @kali_neko, on… Continue reading GWW Capes Crew Special: Shaun Interviews Cosplayer Kali Neko

Walkers Beware! DarthSparrow REVIEWS The Walking Dead, Negan Signature Leather Jacket

In this spine tingling review, DarthSparrow shows off the stunning Negan jacket replica. Inspired by Jeffrey Dean Morgans character Negan from season 6 of The Walking Dead, this jacket is perfect for the season. You can find this jacket at  or find more awesome geek inspired threads at Music: Constancy Part 1 – The… Continue reading Walkers Beware! DarthSparrow REVIEWS The Walking Dead, Negan Signature Leather Jacket

Fashion At The Speed of Light A Review of Quicksilver’s X-Men Apocalypse Threads

In this one of a kind clothing review DarthSparrow takes a look at this beautiful leather jacket based on Quicksilvers’ threads from the hit Fox Film X-Men: Apocalypse. DarthSparrow dives into the quality, comfort and authenticity of this costume piece you can wear anywhere. Thanks to the folks over at for sending us this piece to… Continue reading Fashion At The Speed of Light A Review of Quicksilver’s X-Men Apocalypse Threads

Elegance and Royalty fuel Kelldar’s Cosplay Designs

Donna Noble (Doctor Who "The Unicorn and the Wasp")

Name: Kelldar Location: Memphis, TN DeviantArt: Twitter: @kelldar Facebook: Photographer(s): Chasing Photography/Films. 1. What does cosplaying mean to you? It’s a challenge… it’s figuring out how to make something you never thought you could make. I’ve learned so many different techniques and processes just because I needed it for one prop, or one stitch,… Continue reading Elegance and Royalty fuel Kelldar’s Cosplay Designs

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