Rock-A-Bomb Baby

It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine. If that sentiment seems unsettling to you then rest assured you are not the only one thinking that way. Actually, you probably have a lot in common with the main characters in Image Comics newest series, Napalm Lullaby. Instead of living… Continue reading Rock-A-Bomb Baby

Death or Glory #8 (Review)

Death or Glory #8 Image   Story: Rick Remender Art/Colors: Bengal CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR COPY! This is a comic that I have patiently been waiting for the rest of the comic world to catch onto. This is high quality, high action, and high adventure that leaves the reader stinking of gasoline and covered… Continue reading Death or Glory #8 (Review)

Death or Glory #5 Review

Death or Glory #5 Image Comic Written by: Rick Remender Art by: Bengal Letters by: Rus Wooton Death or Glory #5 picks up following Glory, Pablo and his young niece’s escape the butcher shop that fronts as facility killing and harvesting the organs of immigrants. Glory is putting gas in the car while she and Pablo are trying… Continue reading Death or Glory #5 Review

Death or Glory #4 Review

Death or Glory #4 Image Comics Written by: Rick Remender Art by: Bengal Letters by: Rus Wooton Death or Glory constantly uses themes and imagery of car racing throughout the comic and it has become even more relevant because this issue had my heart racing. We pick up immediately after we left off in the… Continue reading Death or Glory #4 Review

Wait, metas are humans too? — ‘Adventures of Supergirl’ Chapter 3 (Review)

Adventures of Supergirl chapter 3 DC Comics Written by: Sterling Gates Art by: Bengal, Jonboy Meyers, Emanuela Lupacchino and Emma Vieceli I have an early apology but I don’t ever have a chance to talk Supergirl, the TV show, as much as I’d like to because it has been really fantastic since the end of November. Sterling… Continue reading Wait, metas are humans too? — ‘Adventures of Supergirl’ Chapter 3 (Review)

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