What A Difference A Day Makes

Just sleep on it.  This statement suggests that a single session in a state of slumber is sufficient to solve most any situation.  For the mutants of the 616 Marvel Universe one night has turned their lives into a nightmare.  This in turn has left the world susceptible to another group’s dream.  In Children of… Continue reading What A Difference A Day Makes

See You At The Crossroads

During the fabled 90’s X-Men era readers would witness a very public execution on a usually private individual. X-cutioner’s Song saw Stryfe nearly successful in achieving the crossover’s claim with a head shot intended to send Xavier to his eternal rest. Now with the reveal of the Sins of Sinister, Xavier’s life and legacy(?) stand… Continue reading See You At The Crossroads

X Rock A Party

While I won’t admit to being a professional event organizer, I have attended enough functions to notice the success or failure of the party comes down to a simple two part dance; band or dj optional. The first is the planning, preparations and provisions. This is something Emma Frost easily has a mastery over, with… Continue reading X Rock A Party

Krakoa’s Angels

In terms of substance and evidence, Krakoa is a new testament of the faith of the mutant species. And while no one expected a completely pious existence for everyone, there is a much greater sense of disillusionment than the leaders of Krakoa anticipated. Nightcrawler, David Haller and The Legion of X are there to ensure… Continue reading Krakoa’s Angels

Marauders and the Sprite

What adventure remains for a pirate captain after conquering the 7 seas? Steve Orlando opens the solar sails and sends the Marauders into the waters above the expanse. This change in course doesn’t apply to the team’s mission however. Captain Kate has received a map, signed by her, that is over a billion years old.… Continue reading Marauders and the Sprite

Marring The Name: X-Men Red # 1 (Review)

Who do you think you are and how do you feel others see you? What are you doing with your life? These are some questions each member of the soon-to-be-named team have to confront before the end of X-Men Red # 1. This first issue establishes the characters and conflicts well, which are numerous and… Continue reading Marring The Name: X-Men Red # 1 (Review)

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