Jane Foster & The Mighty Thor #1: Marvel Comics Review

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For those not reading the Hulk vs. Thor event, involving Thor in another title might not seem to make sense. The focus of Jane Foster & The Mighty Thor #1 is very much on Jane Foster. It’s still unclear where this is happening in Thor’s history, but it’s definitely recent.

Marvel Comics
Written by: Torunn Gronbekk
Art by: Michael Dowling
Colors by: Jesus Aburtov
Letters by: VC’s Joe Sabino

Regardless, if you’re more interested in reading a Jane Foster book than another thor title, then Jane Foster & The Mighty Thor #1 gives you exactly that. Torunn Gronbekk spends time establishing exactly where the character is in her life while Michael Dowling displays where her powers stand.

Of course, throughout all of this, there are larger machinations at play. Jane is going to have her hands more than full. And again, with Thor in the midst of his own event, it does make his role in this series confusing — but that’s really the only detractor for Jane Foster & The Mighty Thor #1.

The narration, despite there being a hefty amount, flows well. Dowling’s art is as consistent as you’ll find. He’s got a lot going on throughout this issue, especially in the second half of the book, but he bounces around very well.

All-around a solid issue. If you haven’t read much Jane Foster, you should still be able to pick this up and follow along as long as you’re aware of her general background.

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Jane Foster & The Mighty Thor #1: Marvel Comics Review
  • Writing/Plot - 8/10
  • Art/Style - 8/10
  • Overall Entertainment - 8/10


When Mjolnir comes crashing through Jane Foster’s apartment window, she fears the worst has happened to Thor. As Asgard’s greatest enemies—including Hela, Ulik the Troll, and Enchantress—mount an assault on the Golden Realm, Jane must find Thor and save Asgard—even if that means she must once again risk her life to become Thor herself!

By Nick Friar

Nick reviews comics for GWW, mainly DC Comics. Sometimes he'll review a show, too. Nick also likes to share his opinions on the stories within the stories — sometimes in written form, sometimes on his podcasts, TLDR, which is part of GWW Radio.

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