Ascender #10 (REVIEW)

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Ascender issue 10 ends one plotline while opening the next arc. This allows the team of Lemire and Nguyen to masterfully present two stories. One full of adventure and excitement, the second beautiful yet saddening. Both tackling the issue of change.

Ascender #10
Image Comics

Storytellers: Jeff Lemire and Dustin Nguyen
Lettering and Design: Steve Wands


We catch up with Mila and her compatriots as they search for a ship that Telsa left. The writers take this time to allow the dialogue to deal with the recent events. From Mila’s haircut to the islands lack of greenery, change is on the mind of all three. The harsh weather illustrated by Steve Wands mirrors the emotions and loss that Mila is not vocally expressing. The group find the ship…but is something else there?

We also see the conclusion of the relationship of Andy and Eff. I felt this portion of the issue was very strong and emotionally charged. Still dealing with the issue of change, in this case Eff and how long she could stay on control. The dialog between these two was perfect and the art during those pages only heightened it. That last moment was breathtaking and painful and carried such a sense of loss….of change.

I enjoyed Ascender Issue 10, the sketch art style ensures each panel has the perfect amount of imagery never feeling overcrowded. It’s a very subtle technique that forces the story to stay focused on what is important on that page. The door is opened for the next arc while closing out things between Andy and Eff in a few spectacularly beautiful panels.

By B Ferg

Hard to figure out where to begin to describe yourself when you don't feel you've even started. I'm thankful for the chance to write about the things that keep the kid in me still searching for that answer.

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